Maybe I'm just feeling pedantic today... it is old news that Firaxis is apparently abandoning Civ3 Conquests from further patching, leaving it with game-crippling bugs.
If I were truly ready to abandon Firaxis, I would argue for never buying another of their games again. But one of the things that makes the current situation so frustrating, is that we know Firaxis is capable of giving us what we want. Everything on our top 5 list of issues, so to speak, they actually got right at one phase of the game.
Firaxis seems to think that they do not need to fix up Civ3--they are assuming that their new projects are more important. I believe that we the fans, without rudness or complete abandonment, need to make it clear that ongoing support of previously released games is essential. Since Firaxis seems to be making it as a financial decision, we need to make a financial point to them.
Pursuant to that, I propose the following pledge:
I do not agree with Firaxis dropping patch support for Civ3 and until they revise that decision I pledge not to purchase another Firaxis game at full price.
Let's all wait for their new games to hit the bargain bin before we give them any more of our money. It's not financially justified to do otherwise, if they are released incomplete and abandoned with major problems remaining.
I'll keep a list of usernames here:
Tattila the Hun
Kingof the Apes
Mad Bomber
Anyone who agrees with me and wants on the list, follow up with a post that says "Put me on the list"... I welcome discussion of how this pledge could be re-worded to greater effect, or any words of wisdom that will knock me off this rant and get me to calm down
If I were truly ready to abandon Firaxis, I would argue for never buying another of their games again. But one of the things that makes the current situation so frustrating, is that we know Firaxis is capable of giving us what we want. Everything on our top 5 list of issues, so to speak, they actually got right at one phase of the game.
Firaxis seems to think that they do not need to fix up Civ3--they are assuming that their new projects are more important. I believe that we the fans, without rudness or complete abandonment, need to make it clear that ongoing support of previously released games is essential. Since Firaxis seems to be making it as a financial decision, we need to make a financial point to them.
Pursuant to that, I propose the following pledge:
I do not agree with Firaxis dropping patch support for Civ3 and until they revise that decision I pledge not to purchase another Firaxis game at full price.
Let's all wait for their new games to hit the bargain bin before we give them any more of our money. It's not financially justified to do otherwise, if they are released incomplete and abandoned with major problems remaining.
I'll keep a list of usernames here:
Tattila the Hun
Kingof the Apes
Mad Bomber
Anyone who agrees with me and wants on the list, follow up with a post that says "Put me on the list"... I welcome discussion of how this pledge could be re-worded to greater effect, or any words of wisdom that will knock me off this rant and get me to calm down
