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Changing Civilization Advantages

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  • Changing Civilization Advantages

    Anybody know how to change the civ advantages? For example, say I wanted to make the Romans Industrious and Militaristic, but still have the graphics for them and everything, how do I do that?

  • #2
    Open the editor. Click on Scenario|Custom Rules, then on Rules|Edit Rules. Click on the Civilizations tab, select Rome in the drop-down box at the top, and then in the Bonuses box, uncheck Commercial and check Industrious.

    Then click the Close button to get rid of the rules editor and save this new mod-scenario as "commyscen" or something like that. Then load up civ and load your scenario. It should then work just like setting up a normal game - you'll get the map screen, then the civ & conditions screen, then the game will launch.

