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I seem to be getting worse at this game

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  • #16
    Is it true though that chopping forest more than once when a city is working on the same project doesn't have any effect? In other words I think you can only chop forests once per project to get the 10 shield benefit.

    My first city build order (on Monarch) goes something like this....

    2 warriors, settler, granary (if I can build it) or worker, settler, warrior, settler, settler, settler.....

    It's all dependant on if there is a food resource and/or river available to create the settler pump.
    signature not visible until patch comes out.


    • #17
      AFAIK, you can chop all you want for 10 shields, but just once per tile and not for wonders.

      Does anyone know if you can start with a tile that was not forested, plant it, and then chop it one time for 10?


      • #18
        Yes, gunk, you can chop a planted forest and get shields. Just like native forest, you can only do it once per tile.
        Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


        • #19
          Just to be clear, shields from chops will not go to a city making a wonder (great or small). You can add as many chops as you have virgin forrest.

          That is if you have 4 tiles with forrest, you can chop them all and get shield from each. You can plant a forrest on a tile that has never had a forrest and then chop it and get shields.

          You just can't replant a forrest and chop it and get shields for the second time from a tile.


          • #20
            Thanks everyone for clearing up the forest chop isssue for me!

            I've let this strategy go to waste then because I have misunderstood it.
            signature not visible until patch comes out.


            • #21
              I think the problem here is that you're not used to playing on a tiny map. Forget the REX. Get 3-4 cities down then prepare yourself to whoop some AI butt!

              Lack of iron/horses at this early stage of the game is not a big deal. Archers/spears will do just fine. In this particular game, I would have attacked the first impi I saw with an exploring warrior. Give them a 2-3 city GA. Sure, you may be on your heels for a little while while they are in the GA, but after that, they're all yours.

              You had empty cities when there are impis running around? Bad idea. At least have a warrior garrisoning those frontier cities.

              Playing a tiny map will usually force you to go to war a lot earlier than you may be used to. It's a good way for builder-types and non-ancient warmongerers to get used to ancient warfare. You COULD avoid war if you wanted to, but then you'll have to give in to those "outrageous AI" demands. Especially when starting next to the Zulu, do not reject those demands unless you're prepared for war.

              I doubt you're getting worse at the game. You've probably developed some tried-and-true strategies (like the REX) that have worked for you time and time again. The key to advancing your Civ skills, IMO, is the ability to be flexible. You must be able to adapt to the situation at hand. I never go into a game with a strategy mapped out. Map out your strategy as you go. If you start in a cramped situation with the Zulus as your neighbor, you need to think military. If you start with neighbors far away and lush land, you need to think expansion.

              My suggestion would be to "think outside the box" and tailor your strategy to the game situation rather than trying to tailor the game situation to your preset strategy. You'll be a better player for it (maybe even conquering Emperor level soon!).
              Last edited by MotownDennis; August 11, 2004, 13:34.
              "Got the rock from Detroit, soul from Motown"
              - Kid Rock "American Badass"


              • #22
                thanks for the advice. It's my weekend. So i should have some decent civ playing time.


                • #23
                  new game, I'm doing much better. Although the map may be more to my advantage. random civs again. tiny map, but this time archipelago. tiny archipelago is best of both worlds (at least this game). close enough to make contact with curraghs, but the added security of having the continent yourself. I was lucky to start on a decent sized island. I did not restart at all, I finallly got a good start. I have no luxery resources whatsoever, but I have done pretty good on strategic resources finally. No rivers though, so I was unable to build Hoover Dam.

                  I'm still not in the tech lead though . England amazingly has great research. They were ahead of me the entire game. And they are very reluctant to trade me anything. Many techs I got through the Koreans. But I managed to build the U.N. But the germans voted for themselves, so it looks like I'll have to build the spaceship.

                  Not too much war in this game, mostly a builder game. Though the germans are being arseholes. They are in a polite mood one moment, then they attack me the next. They land some ancient cavalry in my land. I notice they are polite- I trade some techs with them first , then I ask them to withdraw. Of course they declare war on me. Germany is like this every game. Germans are just *******s

                  Any suggestions for the space race? English are likely to get all the required techs before me. I'll have to attack a Korean city in order to get uranium (the one that is just south of my single city on a small island- which is sitting on my horses- that's the reason I put it there). I don't have sewer systems yet . I usually can trade for by this point, but no dice. English won't trade **** with me. They will probably get the SETI program and the internet as well . Space race can be dicey if I can't catch up in tech. I may just launch an attack instead. I should have researched modern armour tech before space race. I don't know what I was thinking.

                  screenshot. Again an ICS strategy. My production wasn't great until I built factories and coal plants. One city was able to build iron works.
                  Attached Files


                  • #24

                    2 turns before I was set to finish my final spaceship part I lose via cultural victory! Which is bull****. I thought in order to win via cultural victory (single city in this case) you had to have at least twice the cuture of the second leading cultural nation. WTF is up with that? I would have won too . England was building their last 3 spaceship parts, but I only had 1 to go, with only 2 turns to completeion. But London, England hit 20,000 cultural. My capitol had over 14,000 culture.

                    I was so close to the end, I didn't even bother checking the F9 screen. I think I had enough military to conquer London (they were fairly close), and the transports to get there. Along with massive battleship and bomber support. I built these forces up in case I thought I couldn't get the space ship win. I could reload, but I don't do that anymore. I haven't reloaded at all the past couple of game.


                    • #25
                      In any map setting of an epic game, you can win with 20K in one city. The twice the second place civ is only for empire culture. This is different for different sized maps.


                      • #26
                        Interesting because in one of my recent monarch standard size map games I had 16k culture in one city and the ai had 20k in his. Yet he did not win a cultural victory. I ultimately lost that game to his spaceship victory.
                        signature not visible until patch comes out.


                        • #27
                          It does require that you have enabled winning by cultural score.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Dissident

                            2 turns before I was set to finish my final spaceship part I lose via cultural victory! Which is bull****. I thought in order to win via cultural victory (single city in this case) you had to have at least twice the cuture of the second leading cultural nation. WTF is up with that? I would have won too . England was building their last 3 spaceship parts, but I only had 1 to go, with only 2 turns to completeion. But London, England hit 20,000 cultural. My capitol had over 14,000 culture.

                            I was so close to the end, I didn't even bother checking the F9 screen. I think I had enough military to conquer London (they were fairly close), and the transports to get there. Along with massive battleship and bomber support. I built these forces up in case I thought I couldn't get the space ship win. I could reload, but I don't do that anymore. I haven't reloaded at all the past couple of game.


                            • #29

                              I have a question regarding the minimod you used for the last game. I think you used the SnOOpy(G or X) minimod, if this is correct, where did you find one that is current with C3C?

                              The reason I ask is that I love the graphics on that mod, but I dislike not being able to see any of the new nations on it.

                              "It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. " Voltaires


                              • #30
                                Search the c3 files subforum.

