For all this time I've continually gotten better at Civ3. But maybe I have peaked, and am now going back downhill. I used to be able to consistantly win at monarch level, but now I cannot beat it anymore. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Here's a screen shot of my utter suckitude. I'm not going to ***** about resources this game. Because even though I don't reload anymore, I did restart several games until I got a resource in my initial city square. I got cows. But as you can see the zulu have horses and iron, and I do not. Not that they need them, but I do.
I hate to go back to regent, because that level is incredibly easy. But I don't know what else to do.
I can post a save, but since I no longer reload, the only save I have is 4000 BC

This screen shot is on a tiny map. 3 opponents I believe. Middle continent setting.