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Republic versus Democracy

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  • Republic versus Democracy

    I'm sure we've had many of these back in the day. I just want to see if anyone has anything new to add to the mix. Any new math on the subject?

    In another thread Kuci was saying republic is better than 8 turns of anarchy getting into Democracy. Is this true?

    What do you all think? I'll even make a poll for your preferred goverment of choice. I'm sure there are a few commies and fascists here that will complain if I don't put their goverment in, so I will. This poll will include C3C goverments.
    Banana Republic
    Last edited by Dis; July 30, 2004, 11:25.

  • #2
    Other than despot, I would not take 8 turns of anarchy for any governemnt. IOW once I move to something from despot, I am staying if it cost 8 turns to move again.

    To me Dem is never going to happen, maybe as a religious civ, but no other way.


    • #3
      I often go to Manarchy as my early choice. It allows to get belligerent or deal with belligerent neighbors while I grow. It is also not bad for my ego. When things settle down into a more peaceful era, and it is obvious I am pushing ny economy hard to maintain a tech pace, then I switch to Democracy. That will build me up to some strong infrastructure level. (Hopefully) I will then either go through a building competition, (I love space ships!! And I love being a builder!) I will prefer to have short intense wars. (Take that!!) If pressed to a military late age, I have recently had good experiece going to Communism.

      As for Republic to Democracy. That's a hard one. At some point I will feel that military upkeep is costing more than my economy will support. That's when to switch to Democracy, if and only if I don't see a big war coming.

      Hopefully, someone will give you an answer with more quantifiable parameters than "when it feels right". But sometimes, that is all you have to go on.
      If you aren't confused,
      You don't understand.


      • #4
        Are we talking SP or MP here? I believe there would be different answers... in SP, lower difficulty levels, one can afford the luxury of the democratic government, but in a fiercely competitive MP, it's highly unlikely, as the cost is simply too high (read: it's not cost-effective unless you are a religious civ).


        • #5
          No way is democracy worth 8 turns of anarchy over republic.


          • #6
            Depends on the shape of the game (and whether I'm using the AU Mod).
            The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

            Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


            • #7
              When am I even going to get Demo. I am not going to research it at any level above monarch.

              But the question was would you make the switch with 8 turns of anarchy. Is anyone really saying they would do that?


              • #8
                Republic, I get there before Monarchy & stay there. Democracy is good, but unit support & WW is not


                • #9
                  I have and will choose two forms of non-REL gov't. I do it for my enjoyment of the game, sometimes for aggression & poprushign, sometimes for dramatic improvements in productivity. Mon->Demo, or Feud->Fasc/Comm.
                  The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                  Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                  • #10
                    Fascism is an excellent form of government if you play on standard and smaller maps, and are prepared to ethnically cleanse your enemies

                    Also good if you're a builder(like me).
                    New American UU: Al Gore-Eliminates pollution and you get "The Internet" great wonder instantly.

                    New Hittite MGL: Howard Dean(listen to what their UU sounds like when it attacks)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Theseus
                      I have and will choose two forms of non-REL gov't. I do it for my enjoyment of the game, sometimes for aggression & poprushign, sometimes for dramatic improvements in productivity. Mon->Demo, or Feud->Fasc/Comm.
                      Cool, but the question was Rep to Dem. Anyway, doing things you know to not be prosperous for fun is fine. So would you recommend someone to take 8 turns in anarchy to move from Rep to Dem?

                      To tell you the truth I have not even been in Dem in C3C.


                      • #12
                        I always forget to count the turns. I play on Monarch level usually. I think it's around 6 turns of anarchy for me.

                        I swith 2 times in a game. One from despotism to republic. then republic to democracy.


                        • #13
                          However, I will say I usually switch if playing a religious civ.


                          • #14
                            Democracies SLIGHT bonus of less corruption that you can't see, and somewhat faster workers(always play the US,Industrialist/Expansionist so its not a real problem) are far and away outweighed by having your entire civilization burn down if someone declares war on you.


                            • #15
                              Democracy would be worth the switch if WW wasn't set so high (despite some protests about wars in Iraq and such, i've never seen western cities completely shut down).

                              As WW is set so high, I would agree that republic is the way to go.
                              "Bite my shiny metal ass" - Bender B. Rodriguez

