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Trading or Buying Techs - What do you do?

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  • Trading or Buying Techs - What do you do?

    Ok, I know it is not preferable to have to learn each tech yourself, but what if the AI is just not learning them. On the one hand it gives me an edge because I go techs to make deals with, but if all I can get in return is 1, 2, 5, or 10 gold if I'm real lucky what's the point. I am almost better of just ditching the techs and spending all my extra gold to keep the people happy.

  • #2
    Why is it not preferable? I don't think it is that it is not preferable, it is just that at many of the levels you can't do it all the time.

    So if you find you are doing it reguarly, move up a level or change the game settings to be less favorable.

    Now if you like it that way (no reason to not), then I would say stick with being first, but be sure to keep the people happy.

    If you are not interested in be aggressive, you could gift gold to the AI and then sell it techs. The net is the same, but you are scoring points with the AI as a bonus.


    • #3
      Originally posted by vmxa1
      Why is it not preferable? I don't think it is that it is not preferable, it is just that at many of the levels you can't do it all the time.

      So if you find you are doing it reguarly, move up a level or change the game settings to be less favorable.

      Now if you like it that way (no reason to not), then I would say stick with being first, but be sure to keep the people happy.

      If you are not interested in be aggressive, you could gift gold to the AI and then sell it techs. The net is the same, but you are scoring points with the AI as a bonus.
      Is it not preferrable? I was under the impression from one of your answers in another post that using time to research each tech yourself is ineffecient; that it is ideal to not spend alot of time researching all the techs but to spend shorter time researching some and trading for the rest. Maybe I misunderstood your point though.


      • #4
        No I was only pointing out that the GL is not a great value when you are going to be first to most techs. Not that you do not want to be first, you do. This justmeans you will pay full price in beakers to get the techs.

        It is great to be ahead, but it does cost. Sorry if I was not clear. I hope I am now.


        • #5
          You can't trade for a tech they don't have INC. Now if you are in a game where the AI is beating you to a tech from time to time, then by all means look to get a trade if it works out.

          I mean there are nuiances to that issue, such as what the tech is and who you will trade it to and whom they may help and all of that.

          In the setting you posed at the top, we are talking about a game where the AI is not able to get any techs first, so you can and must be first. You may be able to recoup some of that cost by selling it to many civs, but you have to be circumspect about it.

          No cookie cutter rules though, many things work most of the time, but not in all cases.


          • #6
            Ok thanks. I guess letting go for 5 gold is better than giving it away for free?


            • #7
              I often do it htat way, but only if I am on bad terms with the civ. If you are on good terms (polite) and expect to stay that way, you may want to just give.

              The better way is to gift them some cash and then sell them the tech. You get your money back, plus the 5 gold and they love you.


              • #8
                [SIZE=1] The better way is to gift them some cash and then sell them the tech. You get your money back, plus the 5 gold and they love you.
                I too give cash away and find it useful when seeking alliances against any civ that declares war on me. Maps too. Sometimes when the AI has nothing to trade and cash is not a problem, then give 'em 10 or 20. It helps later on.

                The only free tech I give away is one that is obsolete for me. I love trading Chilvary to someone when I am building Infantry and Tanks.

                Which brings up another point. There are certain techs I never trade or sell for each time period. Writing, Chilvary, Replaceable Parts, Mot Trans. and Syntheic Fibers. These I keep until they are obsolete in my civ (except Synth Fibers, its never out of date).

