You built the legionaries from scratch? May I suggest you consider the power of unit upgrades. Build 10 warriors, save 400 gold, and THEN connect the iron. Now you've got 10 legionaries.
Of course, you can always disconnect iron by pillaging the iron tile to cut the road.
Early GA, huh? Personally, I'm not a fan of early GAs. As Rome, I'd use archers or horsemen to beat up my neigbors, and then land the knockout blow with legionaries (and/or knights). The idea would be to just trim them a bit - nail settler teams if you can, maybe take a city or two. Most of the time, I end up with a stack or two of troops positioned on highground in noman's land, waiting for the AI's "counterattack" troops, which I typically can kill off rather easily, since they often send 1-3 units at a time.
Of course, you can always disconnect iron by pillaging the iron tile to cut the road.
Early GA, huh? Personally, I'm not a fan of early GAs. As Rome, I'd use archers or horsemen to beat up my neigbors, and then land the knockout blow with legionaries (and/or knights). The idea would be to just trim them a bit - nail settler teams if you can, maybe take a city or two. Most of the time, I end up with a stack or two of troops positioned on highground in noman's land, waiting for the AI's "counterattack" troops, which I typically can kill off rather easily, since they often send 1-3 units at a time.