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TOW Infantry and Mobile SAM

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  • TOW Infantry and Mobile SAM

    I've not played that many games in Conquests (v 1.22) yet and am intrigued by these two units, TOW Infantry and Mobile SAM. I tried a search on both but came up with a confusing bunch of results so decided to post this thread.

    Are you using the TOW Infantry along with regular Infantry, in place of, or how? And once you have mech infantry do you still use TOW?

    Do you prefer SAM over jet fighters or the other way round? Or with jets. Or how?


  • #2
    TOW are great in cases when you need to rush for Modern Armor and just have no time to go for Computers.

    They are very good in stoping normal Tanks.

    Also, since they can be loaded in helicopters, they are good for airdopping tactics.

    And even after you get Mech. Inf. those remaining TOWs would still give some defensive bombardment.

    As for SAMs, I think that just having Jets is better, but they could find a good use in escoring your attack force, or maybe putting them to guard some your start. resource you don't want to get bombed.
    Or just use them both for best effect.


    • #3
      The AI loves TOW Infantry, especially since you don't need any resources to build it. You simply must have MA to defeat them. I rarely build them, though.

      Same with SAMs. I build a few to protect attacking or pillaging groups but that's it.


      • #4
        Use 2-3 Mobile SAMS in to defend your cities from air attack. They are quite effective.

        If you also include at least one fighter/jetfighter on air superiority missions you'll repel 75%-80% of the ai's air attacks.

        Based on my experience I think the mobile sam is a must for important cities near the frontline.

        I like placing TOW infantry in important cities so that they add their defensive bombardment to any attackers.

        Just some of my thoughts....
        signature not visible until patch comes out.


        • #5
          TOW infantry look cool


          • #6
            In my last game (huge continents map), I had my entire military on the other continent, having complete control of mine. What allowed me to do this, without fear of an invasion force slipping through and running rampant, was a division of 8 helicopters stationed on the militarized continent with 8 TOW units and 16 Marine units that could act as a rapid response force, deployed back to the home continent and ready to wipe out any invasion at the first sign of trouble.
            Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


            • #7
              Great answers, guys. Thanks a lot.


              • #8
                The really should improve TOW

                I think they should add an extra defensive and offensive bonus to the unit when going against Tanks, Modern Armour, and Mech. Infantry.

                Seeing as those three units use armored cavalry tactics both on defense and offence, and the TOW was made to counter them.

                But, I do not see a way to do this in actual game play. Please let me know on what you think about this. Also, if you think there would be a way to do this through the editor, please post it.

                "It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. " Voltaires


                • #9
                  There really isn't much of a need for an offensive or defensive bonus vs tanks. What else are you expecting to be attacked with? The late industrial and modern era are dominated by tanks, tanks and more tanks.

                  My take on TOW Infantry is that it fills the gap for a civ lacking, IIRC, oil and rubber for MechInf.


                  • #10
                    I love TOW Infantry, especially in that there is now a meaningful upgrade path for slowmovers. I'll pair them with Infantry or MIs if I've got a meaningful chokepoint or fortress somewhere, and I'll use them the same way as MPs for captured cities (better than Arty for several obvious reasons).

                    I've basically used Flak / Mobile SAMs as escorts for invasions. They work pretty darn well.
                    The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                    Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                    • #11
                      By the time I've built up any significant number of Flak/Mobile SAM, my strategy has shifted to a heavy bombardment phase before unleashing with marines and armor, which means I usually have two very vulnerable unit concentrations: air units stacked a mile high on an airfield or two at the front line (to maximize bombardment coverage) and transports in the coastal border city or cities (to let my marines complement the main invasion by taking care of coastal cities). Flak and Mobile SAM prove very useful here, as the AI will invariably target those two concentrations with its bombers, as would I, in its shoes.

                      Usually this phase will go several turns, until I feel like I've got soft targets everywhere I want to attack in the first invasion turn. This means that the AA units tend to get a workout right up to the point that my enemy's air power is rendered non-existent. There's something very satisfying about seeing every enemy border city left completely unguarded after a round of air raids.
                      Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


                      • #12
                        One nice thing about Mobile SAMs is that their effectivness is not affected by stealth planes.

                        So few Mob. SAMs are better defense from Stl. Bombers then Jets.


                        • #13
                          Couple of questions, Theseus: what are MIs and MPs?
                          And why would you need Flak AND Mobile SAMs? Aren't they both doing the same thing?


                          • #14
                            On the Civ3Players ladder, TOW are the backbone of the future start army (future start is all tech done). No resources needed and can be both an attacker and defender. Considerably better than the alternative, rifleman, particularly against chessey war elephant rushes by someone playing India. TOWs will keep you in the game against any opponent except those lucky enough to get the future start trifecta of oil, rubber and aluminum.

                            Mobile SAM also has an important place in the online game. Since airpower is used mostly to deny resources to your opponent (The Bomber Choke), the mobile SAM is used to protect roads more than cities or units.
                            "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


                            • #15
                              Modern start... interesting idea.

