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Successful Campaigns

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  • Successful Campaigns

    Can anyone remember a recent successful campaign against the A.I.? Can you recall the strategy, Units used, duration?

    All that nitty gritty would be very interesting to hear.

    "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

    - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

  • #2
    If you want nitty gritty, you want the AU forum, where blow-by-blow accounts of entire games get meticulously recorded and posted.

    Most players probably have several successful campaigns per game - all very different. Massive build-ups of units (30 swords, 50 Cav or 100 tanks) are common, but great gains can also be made from opportunism. Once, I had about six horsemen in my Ancient Era offensive armoury, (actually mobile defenders) with which I was able to take four-or-five Persian cities in under 10 turns. How? By letting the Iroqouis defeat the Persian Immortal Army then jumping in to take the lightly defended cities. It was like getting half a neighbouring civ for free.

