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Query: Taylor made AI Armies?

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  • Query: Taylor made AI Armies?


    I have played only a few games against AI armies. It seems as though in C3C the AI is not making much use of them.

    The other day I was playing a Hot Seat with a friend. He played as the Indians and I played as the Persians. We were each in huge continents and we had wiped out our neghbouring countries so that we were left as the only two World Superpowers. I saved the game during my turn.

    The other day when I reloaded the game as the PERSIANS (I had save the game during my turnplay as Xerxes)-without my friend- I was surprised to find out the CPU had taken over the Indians.

    This made me think. Imagine playing a hot seat against yourself in two huge continents. You play simultaneusly with two civs (i.e. Germans and persians) and you wipe out all the AI civs that inhabit each of these continents. So you end up with two huge Superpowers in each continent. In each civ you'll have the Military Academy built and running. Imagine building 30 or 40 armies, fortifying the continent and then reloading the game and leaving the CPU to take control of such an overwhelmingly powerful civ. It would be the most challenging game you have played in your lifetime with the civ series.
    Sounds crazy?


    1) Can it be done as I am saying? I haven't done it myself.
    2) Has anyone taken the effort and endless pain to attempt such a feat?
    3) Is there no other way -without mod's and the likes- to wage a war against an AI civ which has more than 30 Modern Armies waiting to mince you up pronto should it occur to you to attempt a D-Day landing on their shores?
    Last edited by Drakan; June 30, 2004, 07:31.
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  • #2
    3. If you are one of only two superpowers I'd lead with a massive nuclear strike just as you are D-Day landing with a highly mobile army. The AI won't see it coming though a player might. (This takes a Sun-Tzu approach - "Know your enemy")
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    • #3
      1) Probably - but you should maybe make sure you fill the armies for the AI

      2) No, but could be interesting. Might though be easier to create a scenario that start you right in it

      3) If you do not wish to create armaggedon through nukes, exhaust them. Create a large navy to take out transports. You'll probably destroy some armies there. Use a bunch of carriers loaded with bombers to empty city by city for units.

      Also, try to isolate cities or landmass by bombardment. If I'm up against a large enemy, I try to divide his/ her land by bombing a "belt" 2-3 squares broad across it. This way you can prevent certain cities from getting resources making them riot and limiting unit building.

      For invation, bring a lot of Mech Inf-armies to stack in one city you'll take. The AI's armies will probably suffer if they'll try to attack it

      (Actually, I now would like to play a game like this!)

