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Can't trade strategic resources?

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  • #16
    taking by force is quicker . That's my preferred method.

    I rarely get in any decent cities by culture bomb. Unless they are in between my cities. Most cities I do get are crap.


    • #17
      I'm not a warmonger.
      And I didn't mean to get the city by culture bomb, but just the resource.
      Z=enemy city


      Now if city X has more culture then city Z, city X will get the resource.
      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


      • #18
        Could be also that the civ is already trading a recource to another civ (other than you...)


        • #19
          No, the AI can't trade it's last resource, so you'll always see a (0) resource.
          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


          • #20
            That's the thing. I rarely can get resources that are 1 square adjacent to the ai city. If it is 2 squares away, I can usually get it.

            Even though my cities almost always have more culture. I think the ai cheats . They seem to accumulate culture faster than they should.

            I've had cities with more wonders than the ai, yet it has less culture (and I have built all the culture improvements)


            • #21
              They AI does not cheat on the culture issue.

              Remember the 1000 years double effect. Remember culture is accumulative. You would have to look at the culture per turn to see if you were creating more. Did you investigate the city to compare the numbers?

              It is quite common for the AI to get its temples up sooner than you at high levels as they get a big discount.


              • #22
                Re: Can't trade strategic resources?

                Originally posted by Dissident
                Or can you? I never got the option to do so. I remember doing it back in the civ3 vanilla days. But I'm playing conquests now.

                I had to go to war several times to secure resources. rubber, coal, aluminum. I was playing an earth map, I'm not sure if that was why.
                Resources are scarcer than they were in CIV III especially luxuries. Earth maps usually have more resources than standard games so this is probably not the issue (unless your playing a european civ with all of the civ's on the map.) Changes have been made to the game with C3C so that trading accross an ocean is pushed back until the industrial age.

                It's possible I was too far ahead in tech. I take it you can't trade resources if the ai doesn't have the tech?
                Tech knowledge is required before trading for the resource.

                That's the thing. I rarely can get resources that are 1 square adjacent to the ai city. If it is 2 squares away, I can usually get it.

                Even though my cities almost always have more culture. I think the ai cheats . They seem to accumulate culture faster than they should.

                I've had cities with more wonders than the ai, yet it has less culture (and I have built all the culture improvements)
                Actually you dont fully understand how the culture war is fought. A city has four border rings which expand at preset levels of culture. A cultural battle for a particlar tile is determined primarily on which border ring that the tile is in. In battles between cities that have equal or near equal culture then a tile is awarded to the city that is closest to the tile. So even if a city does not have equal culture to your city, if the tile is closer to the enemy city than to your own they will retain possession of the tile. However, if the cities were equal distance apart then you would gain possession of the tile.
                * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
                * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
                * The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
                * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by vmxa1
                  If they do not have the requiste tech they do not know they have the resource. You see it, but they don't. Plus they would need to have 2 sources to be able to trade. Human players can trade their only source, but the AI cannot.
                  I'm not sure about strategic resources because I always have them, but I did this with luxury resources before. It was vanilla civ3, if that matters any.
                  I always hear about the innocent bystanders. Where are all of the guilty ones? -Vince278


                  • #24
                    Luxs are known to all at the start in terms of tech, none is required.

                    The AI knows where resources are, but is ignorant of them for trade purposes, if it does not have the required tech.

                    So if you know Gunpowder, you can see all on the map. The AI understands resources are on a given tile, but without gunpowder it cannot reflect that knowledge, nor trade it.

                    You can test htis very easily by giving it the tech need for that resource. If it has a free one, it will show up for trade. IOW, it will not help if that is the only one it has or it trades away any excess.


                    • #25
                      I made an image.
                      It shows what city can get the resource in which situation.
                      Attached Files
                      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                      • #26
                        I've built cities right on the border of an AI civ (just like the diagram on the right in CyberShy's posting) in order to pull a resource or luxury into my civ borders. On many occassions, this garnishes a declaration of war.

                        Has anyone experienced this? If so, any thoughts to why?
                        Haven't been here for ages....


                        • #27
                          because the AI isn't as dumb as we think?

                          It seems they do get upset at you taking resources.


                          • #28
                            Did you actually drop the settleron their land, inside the border? This will trigger a war.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by vmxa1
                              Did you actually drop the settleron their land, inside the border? This will trigger a war.
                              Right. War shouldn't happen if you create a city just outside the border, even if in so doing the border shifts. (personally, I'm surprised culture-flipping isn't a cause for war. I'm certainly PO'ed everytime it happens to me.)
                              "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
                              "Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
                              2004 Presidential Candidate
                              2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)


                              • #30
                                Thanx for the Visual Aid, Cyber
                                * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
                                * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
                                * The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
                                * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.

