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Major, severe bug in espionage screen! (Conquests)

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  • Major, severe bug in espionage screen! (Conquests)

    Okay, when I open up the espionage screen and try to build an embassy, it often won't let me. You know, I click on it and all it does is keep the orange shading on there until I click again. Obviously this is a severe problem for my games. It happens almost every C3C game. Sometimes it will let me build embassies with some civilizations but not others, and sometimes it won't let me build embassies at all. There's only been one or two C3C games I've played where it would let me create embassies in all civilizations. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Will reinstalling help, or was it fixed in a patch? Or is the problem unique to me? Thanks in advance!
    I always hear about the innocent bystanders. Where are all of the guilty ones? -Vince278

  • #2
    Well you cannot build an embassy if you are at war with that civ.

    You also have to have the tech and the cash.

    So make sure you met those conditions.


    • #3
      Well, I may be mistaken, but it won't let me do it with that civilization throughout the entire game.
      I always hear about the innocent bystanders. Where are all of the guilty ones? -Vince278


      • #4
        Okay, false alarm. Sorry, I just got Conquests and I wish it would TELL me that I don't have enough money. That's how I made the mistake. It doesn't TELL me.
        I always hear about the innocent bystanders. Where are all of the guilty ones? -Vince278


        • #5
          Yeah you can run into that with upgrades as well. Not having enough cash, but not realizing that is the issue.


          • #6
            BTW, can't build embassies if transitioning to a new government (in other words, during anarchy).

            [edited for clarity]
            "We may be in a hallucination here, but that's no excuse for being delusional!." K.S. Robinson, 'The Years Of Rice And Salt.'


            • #7
              You can't build anything during anarchy. You can only use leaders or disband to finish builds during that time.


              • #8
                I didn't know you could use leaders to finish builds in anarchy. I'm assuming that means sgls to finish gws?
                "We may be in a hallucination here, but that's no excuse for being delusional!." K.S. Robinson, 'The Years Of Rice And Salt.'


                • #9
                  MGL's. They can be used to build structures or nearly anything, except great wonders.

                  I don't often see an SGL.


                  • #10
                    Is there any way I can close the topic? I don't need more posts in here...
                    I always hear about the innocent bystanders. Where are all of the guilty ones? -Vince278


                    • #11
                      If you really want a thread closed you could PM a mod like Ming, but generally threads like this just don't get any more posts and die out of natural causes.

                      If that doesn't happen to this one and it becomes a spam-fest instead, the mods will likely close it without any need for a request.

