This is about what to do with distant, newly created towns. The scenario is like this. You've just founded a new city, far away from your capital/FP (say 30 tiles away). What's your build order?
Some basic conditions
Emp or higher (so only 1 content citizen)
Build is part of your REX, so no roads, no MP
Terrain is a couple of 2 food tiles (say 2), rest are 1-food tiles. say 1 jungle and 1 forest, rest mixed.
Early game, so still in despotism.
What I normally do is to move a military unit there, and try to build a worker ASAP. 10 turns to build, 10 turns for pop growth. I know it's not the most efficient way of building workers, but the city is really just to expand territory, and there's no real value is having it grow bigger. I suppose in the future, with better government and serious improvement, it could be a semi-decent way of building some military units, but right now, there's no other use.
What I'd like to know is what you guys do with these faraway cities. I suppose the scenario could be varied quite abit. Coastal start. High food tiles. The 1-city on a 4-5 tile island. City near AI. and the list goes on, but I thought we'd start with the basic distant corrupt city and work it from them.
Some basic conditions
Emp or higher (so only 1 content citizen)
Build is part of your REX, so no roads, no MP
Terrain is a couple of 2 food tiles (say 2), rest are 1-food tiles. say 1 jungle and 1 forest, rest mixed.
Early game, so still in despotism.
What I normally do is to move a military unit there, and try to build a worker ASAP. 10 turns to build, 10 turns for pop growth. I know it's not the most efficient way of building workers, but the city is really just to expand territory, and there's no real value is having it grow bigger. I suppose in the future, with better government and serious improvement, it could be a semi-decent way of building some military units, but right now, there's no other use.
What I'd like to know is what you guys do with these faraway cities. I suppose the scenario could be varied quite abit. Coastal start. High food tiles. The 1-city on a 4-5 tile island. City near AI. and the list goes on, but I thought we'd start with the basic distant corrupt city and work it from them.