The Zulu always die because they're always getting into wars. Same with Germany. In my games, Persia and America either die or dominate. The Iriquois ALWAYS seem to dominate. The computer plays the English and the Sumerians well also. I don't have quite enough experience with C3C to know, but it seems that the Celts always do good in my game.
No announcement yet.
Iroquois Anomaly?
Also, Rome does very good in the early game, waging war with everyone and doing a decent job at it, but their culture and technology suffer later and they usually end of dying off or being of little importance.
I'm surprised no one said the Greeks. They totally dominate everyone technologically and culturally in the late game. They start off slow, so you can usually kill them early, but if you let them grow they turn into a superpower.I always hear about the innocent bystanders. Where are all of the guilty ones? -Vince278
I really have a problem with the Russians and their Cossacks.
I also hate playing against the Iroquois in the game so if I can I take them out early. The Germans are so hard to deal with they are always tough negotiaters and touch to trade with."Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
I've noticed in my games that Korea, Iroqouis, Greece, Netherlands, Germany, Babylon, all seem to do well. The one Civ I see sucking air game after game after game is the Norse/Vikings. I have never once played a game in which they were even through the medieval period by the time I had tanks unless I helped them out. Not once.
The Egyptians in Civ 3 always grabbed HUGE amounts of land whenever I play against them.
I dont usually get an REGULAR nemesis...but I SWEAR...the French ALWAYS are my allies !
Maybe its my fondness for subtitles in movies.....
No matter what game I've played they ALWAYS become awesome supporters....
I just barely played my first Conquest game last night...and the Russians nearly kicked my ass. They were in possession of the ONLY source of rubber on my continent and were able to get infantry ...I wanted tanks!!!
Anyways....I'm going to be keeping my eye out for the Russians....
But in the original Civ 3 the Iriqous were the easiest opponents....they never really semt to advance ?
I'll have to watch out for them in Conquests.
I haven't messed around with the editor. But I want to create a scenario with a very simplistic map. I want a map that is balanced.
So what I may do is create a map that is all grassland. Maybe some hills and mountains spread about evenly. Same with forests. But it has to be exactly the same starting areas.
I would also have to include equal amounts of coastline and sea squares. So the seafaring civs could have a fair shake.
I want to see which civs do better under similar starting positions.Last edited by Dis; July 7, 2004, 23:30.
India bugs me. They spread like an infection, building city after city, and never doing a damn thing with them. Few city improvements, few worked tiles. They just pump out more settlers so they can build more cities and take up all the good land and resources. So they have to be destroyed whenever they randomly appear."We may be in a hallucination here, but that's no excuse for being delusional!." K.S. Robinson, 'The Years Of Rice And Salt.'
In all my games nobody deserved to die more than the Zulu. They always seemed to aggressively expand in my direction."And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
2004 Presidential Candidate
2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)
Other than the Germans and English, most of the "european' Civs leave me alone. I tend to play a defensive, diplomatic game, but I'm usually only ever attacked by the English or Germans, of the European Civs.
The other thing I noticed is that often a REALLY weak Civ will attack me utterly unprovoked. I can't really whine about it since I always attack the AI without any provocation but it's funny. I could be ruling the world and the enemy might have 1 city left, and I try to make peace and they won't.
The Egyptions have never once been a problem for me. I have played, until recently, on easier levels (this is all C3C, by the way), but not once have the Egyptions ever given me trouble. They always start on the other side of the world and get crammed onto islands.
I actually created a fairly equal map last night. Just to see which faction pulled ahead. I ran it in debug mode. I'm not sure if there is an option to run debug mode with no human player, so I chose the koreans as myself (no one cares about Koreans- are they ever strong in games?).
I really need to run it through 5 times and randomize the starting locations. But it takes a long time to play through a game in debug mode. Even if I turn off the animations.
Last night I only played through to the end of the Ancient Age. Which took a long time because I didn't put any luxery or bonuse resources on the map. I did give everyone iron and horses so that wouldn't be a factor. The lack of luxery or bonus resources may influence this test now I think of it. commercial civs might take a little bit of a hit.
In any case, this test wasn't scientific or anything. I didn't have time to make everything perfect. I just wanted to see who pulled ahed. the Arabs seemed to do good. They weren't real close to me, but they attacked me anyways. And burned one of my cities to the ground. I was just building up my military, because I knew it was weak.
I dont know how to measure success, so I just used the scoring screen. I know the score isn't the most accurate measurement of success, but oh well. I can put up screen shots of the power graph if anyone wants to see. This game was at Regent level btw. Barbarians were roaming. Culturallly linked-off. I tried to play conservative because I didn't want to take up too much of the map, and influence the game too much.
Debug (Me- Koreans) 239
Arabia 191 (exp and religious)
Sumeria 190 (sci and agricultural)
Ottomans 187 (sci and industrious)
Aztecs 187 (militaristic and agricultural)
Zululand 186 (expansionist and militaristic)
Maya 184 (agricultural and industrious)
Spain 183 (seafaring and religious)
America 179 (expansion and insustrious)
China 178 (militaristic and industrious)
Celts 178 (agricultural and industrious)
Japan 178 (religious and militaristic)
India 175 (commercial and religious)
Iroquious 168 (agricultural and commercial)
Russians 167 (scientific and expansionist)
Mongols 166 (expansionist and militaristic)
Portugal 166 (expansionist and seafaring)
England 165 (seafaring and commercial)
Persia 164 (industrious and scientific)
Carthage 164 (seafaring and industrious)
Inca 164 (expansionist and agricultrual)
Babylon 164 (scientific and religious)
Egypt 163 (religious and indstrious)
Germany 156 (scientific and militaristic)
Hittites 156 (expansionist and commercial)
Rome 155 (militaristic and commercial)
Byzantines 155 (seafaring and scientific)
Scandianvia 144 (militaristic and seafaring)
Greece 131 (scientific and commercial)
Netherlands 126 (seafaring and agricultural)
France 112 (commercial and industrious)
I put the traits in there because I wanted to see how much a factor those are. From what I can see the AI doesn't take that good of advantage of commercial. the other seem fairly spread out.
Originally posted by Dissident
From what I can see the AI doesn't take that good of advantage of commercial."The human race would have perished long ago if its preservation had depended only on the reasoning of its members." - Rousseau
"Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!" - Erich Honecker
"If one has good arms, one will always have good friends." - Machiavelli
Originally posted by lmtoops
Poor France, the AI France always sucks.
Anyway, the Iroquois are quite powerful because the Ag/com combo leads to big(corrution reduction and extra food), productive (large cities get extra $$$) empires.
Dissident-- what kind of map did you use? Spain did the best on your list w/ seafar trait. With saefar + industrious, I'd think Carthage would do well on anything but a pangaea.
Solving this would take endless debug games."We may be in a hallucination here, but that's no excuse for being delusional!." K.S. Robinson, 'The Years Of Rice And Salt.'