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  • Re-Install


    I have recently had quite many problems with viruses and crashes and all things related and tried to fix it. Since I'm not very good with that kind of thing, once I was reassured that I couldn't do a thing I called my friends. They couldn't help as well. So I formatted it and had to reinstall C3C. Only that it presents some problems when installing the and all files related to the direct X. If that is a very common problem does anyone know how to solve it? If not, can someone tell me how to install only the Civ without the DX? Because as it is, it will not install fully without the DX.

    specs: winXP athlon Xp 1800+ 765(or something like that) RAM.

    Thank you in advance,

    M. Me
    " He who does not see, may have no eyes to begin with".