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Noob Needs Help Badly

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Theseus
    I'mNowCivilized, sorry I wasn't around much when you first started posting.

    Welcome aboard!!

    We have lots of threads around here for newer players... and as has been suggested post some save at 4000 and 1000 BC, and you'll be pleasantly surprised at how many people jump in with suggestions.

    Thanks Theseus. It's good to be here. Lately I have been lurking more than participating, but I follow quite a bit of what people are saying. Always trying to find that extra nugget of information, you know? Yes I want to post a pic or two of my turns but I haven't quite got that far that I know how to do it. Meanwhile, I am trying to develop a strategy that works for me. It's a little undaunting. But I wanna win and I don't like being insulted by the other civs. So, I tend not to allow myself to be bullied. Well, I have been in my share of wars that way.

    Also, I guess startegies vary a bit depending on which civ you are. I'd like to learn enough about the game so that I can play my civ according to its strengths. But I am not quite there yet.


    • #47
      If you are not sure about posting pictures/screenshots, here is one way. First capture the screenshot. This can be done with many tools and the printscreen key.

      I prefer to use a tool called Irfanview (free). I set the capture to Shift+F11 to capture full screen. Then just position the map to what you want to have captured and hold the shift key and hit F11.

      The screen is pasted into the clipboard or you can set it to be put into a file. The clipboard is just a buffer that can be manipulated by other applications.

      Now you want to resize it to 800 for the board. This is an option under the tool bar in Irfanview. Another option is the save/save as. I set to save as a jpeg and use the "save as" to write the screen to my hard drive. I tend to use desktop, but can be any folder.

      Once you have the screenie, come to the site and select "post reply". Enter whatever you have to say then scroll down to find the "Attach file:" selection. Use the browse button to find the screen shot and then select submit reply.

      You can post a save the same way. The only gotcha is the filetypes have to match the allowed ones and be within the size limit.

