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MP bombard bug (AI reduces city to 1 with magic)

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  • MP bombard bug (AI reduces city to 1 with magic)

    I was playing Civ3 Conquests v1.22 with a friend of mine and toward the endgame we ran into a really strange bug.

    I was playing the Germans and my friend was the French when a war broke out between him and Cartage. He improved his defenses and set to meet the onslaught.

    We where playing simultaneous moves, but I have tested the save in Turn Based with the same result.

    As it became the Carthaginians turn to move, they assault two French cities; Grenoble (15) and Marseilles (26). Both where garrisoned with 3-4 Mech Inf, 1 Arty and 1-3 Mobile SAM sites. As the AI starts its Bombing runs (the AI had a TOTAL of 13 Bomber and 9 Cruise Missiles and no nukes because Manhattan wasn't built) both cities are bombed by a few bombers and then there is a loud boom and they are both reduced to a population of 1 with only a single arty left for garrison. Most of the improvements are also gone.

    If I load the game in SP (host was Germany) this does not happen. If you load it in MP and a human as France you will see it.

    What is causing this? And is there any chance of this being fixed, 'cause I'm assuming it's a bug.


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