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Sid Level

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  • Sid Level

    Just for the fun of it I tried playing on Sid difficulty on the C3C and was brutally wiped out 3 times in a row.
    I survived the longest with carthage on an archipelagic map where I had first contact with all other nations and tech-whored as much as I could, barely keeping up in the tech race even with a 100% science rate. when nearing the middle ages ALL other civs declared war on me and the celts who was on my island/continent sent an army of some 25-30 gallic swordsmen (in addition to other nations small landing parties) and smashed my little civ despite my walls and numidian mercenaries.
    The russians even declared war on me and they never even developed mapmaking!
    Sid level is just insane!
    Why would firaxis even bother to put in such an impossible level?
    I usually play on emperor, sometimes taking a shot at demigod and have a good chance of winning on the former and a shot at winning on the latter.

    Has anyone EVER beaten conquests at Sid level?
    Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst

  • #2
    Yes lots of us have and there are two threads here (conquest and strategy) on the subject. They have a HoF for each map size at CFC for Sid. SirPleb just recently posted his epic run scoring about 64K.

    He did it by the milk run of 2050, MS did it will diplomacy, I did it will Space. Several other looked to have it won, but never posted the final outcome.

    I forget what Drachens was, sorry. I think it was domination, but I am not sure.


    • #3
      Welcome aboard LzPrst. Sid level is a great teacher. I didn’t know how much I had to learn until I decided to make winning Sid my first serious C3C goal. After having won once I know I’ve got a lot to learn still. Go to the two main Sid threads, they’re easily found, and you’ll find a wealth of information. Sid level is a bit insane I’ll grant you and in some ways is closer to work than play…but that victory screen makes it all worthwhile. Good luck
      The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.

      Anatole France

