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Strange Bug

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  • Strange Bug

    i am playing a civ game in conquests where i have my Capitol city pop up in free places all over the world. i live in italy and suddnly i c rome down in africa with no name under.. What is this
    Kermit the frog

  • #2
    here is a screen shot
    Attached Files
    Kermit the frog


    • #3
      Had you explored this area previously? If so, no reason you wouldn't see the city pop up. Cities are one thing that update automatically even if you don't re-explore the area. What looks weird to me is a) you don't see any cultural borders or the name, like you say b) there's no Fog of War even though it looks like you don't have units in the area.

      Did you hit a key combination like CTRL+SHIFT+M or CTRL+SHIFT+N? Those will wipe out some graphics stuff, like borders, FoW, etc.


      • #4
        it happend in another game to here is a screenshot with borders
        Attached Files
        Kermit the frog


        • #5
          sombody plz help
          Kermit the frog


          • #6
            Sorry, I've only ever seen stuff like that using the keys I mentioned above. :/

            Stab in the dark: run the Resource Meter prog that comes with Windows and see if you still have system resources left when that happens.


            • #7
              on the last game a city poped up in the water
              Kermit the frog


              • #8
                Hmm, an unlisted feature...

                No idea how to help though
                Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                • #9
                  If that happened without you enabling cities on water in the editor... I'd suggest something is seriously wrong with your copy of civ. Maybe try re-installing.


                  • #10
                    Heia Norge!

                    I'll also suggest reinstalling and make sure you'll remove any leftovers manually, maybe even in the registry if you're comfortable using it.


                    • #11
                      one more thing i also found out is that this only happens on maps bigger then Huge....
                      Kermit the frog


                      • #12
                        Probably the problem. Huge maps can stress comps as it is.


                        • #13
                          i really like to play 352 X 352 Earth maps with 32 civs, But now i cant So i hope they fix this in a later patch.
                          Kermit the frog


                          • #14
                            keep it and use it as an airbase...

