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Thinking of playing the Conquests - Advice Please

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  • #46
    I enjoyed MesoAmerica, even if I did have an easy time of it. I played as the Maya, shortly after I got Conquests, so this was probably with no patching or maybe just the first patch. I crushed 1 or 2 minor tribes to my south, expanding as far as panama (which I fortified), and built most of the wonders. It was on Monarch, so it was relatively easy. Towards the end, the Aztecs picked a fight and we had a seesaw battle with those Silent Hunters. I had played very builderish for some time, so I was actually hard pressed for a while. Nothing can really deal with Silent Hunters except other Silent Hunters. They're powerful, and the normal terrain bonuses don't apply in that scenario, so you can foritfy some pikes up on a mountain and block them off - I tried that for a while and then remembered that mountains don't help... which at least calmed my tirade at the RNG. I ended up capturing a couple of cities and then hanging on in a stalemate until my culture victory. I sacrificed some slaves, but I think the bulk of my culture was from improvements and wonders. Unlike Catt, I built just about all the improvements.

    I probably would have been even more powerful with the fully patched game, since the Forbidden Palace (or whatever it is in that scenario) was totally FUBAR in the intial release.

    grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

    The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.

