How time has passed quickly!
We went for Monotheism, Education, Banking (another SGL for Smith TC) and will complete Economics in 8 turns. We only have a lousy 880 gold. The new palace has been standing at Murmansk for a while yet. We are at war with the Mongols (again!).
Scandinavia – the Republic and Monotheism
Spain, England and Carthage: + Engineering and Chivalry, - Education.
Aztecs and Byzance: + Engineering and Chivalry – Banking.
With our culture, number of cities and gold (thanks to Smith TC), the rest of the Medieval Times passd quickly: 1120AD Gunpowder, 1160 Chemistry, 1200 Physics, 1255 Theory of Gravity, 1260 Newton University, 1280 Magnetism, 1300 Metallurgy.
How time has passed quickly!
We went for Monotheism, Education, Banking (another SGL for Smith TC) and will complete Economics in 8 turns. We only have a lousy 880 gold. The new palace has been standing at Murmansk for a while yet. We are at war with the Mongols (again!).
Scandinavia – the Republic and Monotheism
Spain, England and Carthage: + Engineering and Chivalry, - Education.
Aztecs and Byzance: + Engineering and Chivalry – Banking.
With our culture, number of cities and gold (thanks to Smith TC), the rest of the Medieval Times passd quickly: 1120AD Gunpowder, 1160 Chemistry, 1200 Physics, 1255 Theory of Gravity, 1260 Newton University, 1280 Magnetism, 1300 Metallurgy.