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C3C 1.22 won't run - missing MP3 files?

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  • C3C 1.22 won't run - missing MP3 files?

    I'm having trouble getting my new copy of C3C to run. I'm trying to upgrade mi Civilization III 1.29f version. At first I just installed the vanilla C3C from the CD (I assume this is version 1.0?) The game played okay at first but would exit after around 20 turns with an alert saying one of the MP3 files in build/sounds/Ancient could not be found. Checking that folder I see all the sound files in there are .WAV not .MP3.

    So I tried upgrading to C3C 1.22 which seems to be the most up to date patch available. Now the gasme won't play at all. I start a new game from the Conquests main screen, it takes me through the civilization selection screens, starts generating the world then exits with an alert saying it can't find one of the MP3 files in that same directory.

    I haven't seen reports of this from other C3C users. Is anyone having this problem? Does anyone know how to fix it? Why is the game looking for MP3 files, not WAV files?



  • #2
    I am not sure if this is the issue, but last I knew 1.22 needed 1.20. Look at the readme to see if the patch you have needs the prereq or not.

    If not, then delete all of Civ (save any games or maps, and install CivIII with no patch. Then install C3c and the patch(es) to get to 1.22.


    • #3
      1.22 seems not to need 1.20. I have reinstalled C3C recently and patched straight from 1.00 to 1.22

      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


      • #4
        When it first was released it did. They were suppose to make one that was all inclusive from 1.0, not sure if that was done or not.

        Mine says nothing either way.


        • #5
          Well by the time I got around to download 1.22 from the site v1.22 was large (22MB, IIRC) and seems to include all changes from 1.20 as well. Perhaps first check to see that the 1.22 patch you have is the latest all inclusive one.

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #6
            Are you sure there are no MP3s in the folder? there should be 5 MP3s in the vanilla "build/ancient" folder, and 5 also in the Conquests "build/ancient music" folder. the conquests build folders shouldn't include any WAVs, though the vanilla ones should contain many.
            I AM.CHRISTIAN


            • #7
              I have this same problem. I reinstalled from scratch (civ3, then conquests, then full patch 1.22 from firaxis site) and the problem persists. For some reason it refuses to install any of the MP3 files into civ3/sounds/ folders (i know i am missing the ones in the build and diplomusic folders. might be missing more)

              I do have a bunch MP3s in the civ3/conquests/sounds but they arent the ones it is looking for.

              I tried getting into my conquests CD to extract them manually but the .cab files in there don't seem to be the same as M$ cab files so I can't open them.

              Anyone else have this problem and know of a solution?

              (edit: was just thinking since the missing files are in the civ3/sounds folder and not the civ3/conquests/sounds folder maybe this is a problem with my original install?)


              • #8
                Entirely has been known to draw files from the original I found out when I wanted to use that nice border I saw in another thread and replace that trash we normally have
                It's all my territory really, they just squat on it...!
                She didn't declare war on me, she's just playing 'hard to get'...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Switch
                  Are you sure there are no MP3s in the folder? there should be 5 MP3s in the vanilla "build/ancient" folder, and 5 also in the Conquests "build/ancient music" folder. the conquests build folders shouldn't include any WAVs, though the vanilla ones should contain many.
                  Is it possible that you upload the music somewhere, for I have the same problem mentioned here. There is no music the folders, while there should be? Thanks in advance


                  • #10
                    I am also having this problem. It would be incredibly helpful if someone could upload their sounds directory for those of us having the problem (this is the first link on google for "civ3 conquests sounds" and the only helpful one.

                    If someone is willing to upload their directory, I will provide FTP space (and allow anonymous access for other users).

                    Contact me at alan at modestys dot com and let me know.


                    Alan [/lucio]


                    • #11
                      one more thing

                      I am working on a hack at this point that will allow the game to function (with the sounds off) and if no one is able to provide the _correct_ sounds, I will provide a patch of dupe sounds-- just files that will play nothing but not make the game crash.



                      • #12
                        Did you get any help with this? And do you know which MP3s are needed?

                        The /Conquests/Sounds directory has two sub directories and 6 MP3s in it. Sub-directory 'Menu' has one MP3. Sub-directory 'Build' is further split into four more sub-directories: 'Ancient Music', 'Japanese', 'Mesoamerica' and 'Misc'.

                        Ancient Music has 5 MP3s, Mesoamerica has 2, Japanese has 2 and Misc has 5.

                        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                        • #13
                          Any progress on a directory listing of the Conquests folders so that we can create dummy files in their correct positions??? Or even the patch above?

                          Many thanks indeed for a n00bie Civer-to-be :P

                          Last edited by E_Sin_Ohm; June 26, 2004, 20:36.
                          Solver is a git!


                          • #14
                            Oh, so you want a list of folders and names of files for every sound directory?!

                            If so, that's a bit of work, but I'll look into it.

                            Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                            • #15
                              Hi..I just BARELY installed the Conquests upgrade last night and did the 22 mb download to get to v 1.22 and I'm having the same problem as everyone else.

                              I'm missing MP3's !!!!

                              I had to rename some just to get past the AI and other civ building that happens in the beginning..but apparently I'm missing ALL the 'Diplomusic'....I'm probably missing more stuff...but so FAR these are the two that are most pressing:





                              the last one I just renamed a MP3 that was named ANcME.mp3 to AncMEFull .mp3......pretty neat...but I shouldnt HAVE to do that ?

                              I dont know how much you guys payed for your Conquests..but mine was 29.99 plus tax....

                              I was googling all night and Google only seems to come back to this sight with people having the same problem as me.

                              Does anyone know HOW or WHERE to get these sounds ?

                              I'm desperate !!!


                              Or even a list of what all the sounds ARE ? That way I can just make dummy mp3's or whatever ?

                              Please help !!!!


