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Improving Skills

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  • Improving Skills

    Just an idea (or request )
    There are many good players in this forum, and many are new, and many are so-so. How do u think if a good players help others by opening a new thread with the ongoing game. The steps would be :
    1. A set of guru set up a game.
    2. The students play the game for several turns, and returns the log and the save.
    3. Then both guru team, and students discuss about the students log (the advantages, the disadvantages, the error, or the idea).
    By doing this, the student can have fun and learn from the experts, and IMO, its faster for the student to learn the technique (because we implements the technique directly to the game).
    Or is there somekind of class like that in this forum. For sure, I love to be the student.
    Game is just for Fun. Dont play the game if its not fun for you - binyo66 :)

  • #2
    There are such resources here already for that, although typically on a more informal basis.

    Some examples: Mountain Sage's "Emperor Games C3C: How to Improve your Skills", ducki's "Ducki does C3C at Emperor", Lethe's "Demigod - play along strategy". There's also a large body of comparative games in the AU forum, which has the added advantage that many players discuss their games with a huge level of detail - the AU forum has games from some of Apolyton's most accomplished civ3 players - highly recommended.

    Having said that, some of these older posted games may no longer be accessible using the 1.22 patch, so some new games are definitely in order. But you don't need a "guru" to set up a game. Get one started yourself - post it iin one of the above-mentioned threads, or start a new one if you wish. If it's a reasonable start post the save and you'll find people will start to play it and give you comments. Combined with more formal participation in the AU courses, this is a great way to learn.
    So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
    Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

    Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


    • #3
      What I think is actually interactive game . The students play and the guru give comment. If only one student, IMO, there would be less interesting actually, if more than one student, we can compare each student steps and discuss them, so it would be a long thread and long game probably. So the student learnt directly from the mistakes. Anyway, thx, I will look at AU thread (I have been wondering actually what AU thread is n, what Democratic threadis , I have applied Democratic thread, but seems nothing is going on there )
      Game is just for Fun. Dont play the game if its not fun for you - binyo66 :)


      • #4
        "AU" is Apolyton University. The topped threads will give you an explantion of what it is....basically a place for students of the game (ie, all of us!) to learn from each other in a non-competitive environment, by playing sample games and discussing the results of various strategies used. There is also a lot of useful information on various play styles and particularly early game selections. I would say that all of us who have spent time participating in the AU forum have improved our games substantially.
        So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
        Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

        Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


        • #5
          binyo66 I cold also suggest a trip over to CFC and look at :

          hi as i am not very good i thought i would start a succession game with advice from cracker. i will play 10 turns then post, to compare with you guys then i will play the next ten turns of my game and compare with your game at the same stage so hopfully i (and some others) will learn how to...

          This is a very detailed training session by Cracker with Handyandy.


          • #6
            If you do go with the idea of making a game and posting it for comments, I would also suggest looking at some of the AAR reports in the AU games. Using that form of posting to get peoples interest.

            Posting a screen of the start and a log of actions with a few screens gives people a reason to follow along. It also shows a commitment from you.

            I would also say that going far enough along to see some issues would be useful. IOW it is not of much value to post the first 50 turns only as nothing much has occurred. Maybe have a question or two in mind for people to ponder, other than just a "got any tips", but more specific.

            Anyway most of the time you can get good responses. The two types that fail to get much action are the ones that post a limited amount of information and those that are for the Demi/Deity levels. Funny thing is you can get people to jump in for Sid games.


            • #7
              What happen with Democratic?
              Game is just for Fun. Dont play the game if its not fun for you - binyo66 :)


              • #8
                I just played 2 emperor, and AU 101 use Emperor Level ??
                Game is just for Fun. Dont play the game if its not fun for you - binyo66 :)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by binyo66
                  What happen with Democratic?
                  Are you talking about the Demo games here? If so they are a few going on all the time, but they are very slow.

                  The C3PTWDG that I am part of is over a year old now and is just to the steam/ToE stage.

                  You can join them, but even that takes a few weeks as players are all over the world and do not respond quickly. We have had members join recently.

                  Those games are very unique.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by binyo66
                    I just played 2 emperor, and AU 101 use Emperor Level ??
                    I would not choose any before 104 if you want to see details. It does not seem to have the kind of detail you see in later games.

                    It is an emperor level game. AU101 History thread has all the links to al of the courses. Check any that looks interesting for reports that have enough details to be useful.

                    Otherwise all you get are scenarios to play for the fun of it. You may have to be careful about some that will not work if you are not at the correct patch level.

                    The 101-104 have DAR's in the same thread as the save. After that they have their own spoiler threads. Later they were broken down into sections, using several threads for each game. You post only to those threads with the times that are for it.


                    • #11
                      AU501 was the first C3C game, and a fascinating game that stayed interesting into the modern well as a great exploration (so to speak) of Seafaring and the Byzantines.
                      "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


                      • #12
                        I already started AU101, and I am in big problem. Just made peace with England, and my settler factory dont work as I wish (it become Settler/Spearman 7 turns factory )
                        Where is the spoil thread for AU101?
                        @Hermann : thx for the input. But after several monarch C3C games on huge map. I dont wanna play C3C anymore. I prefer PTW on Emperor.
                        Last edited by binyo66; April 27, 2004, 05:44.
                        Game is just for Fun. Dont play the game if its not fun for you - binyo66 :)


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            binyo66 this game was intended to be a warmongers delight. One good tactic would be to build a barracks right away and make vet warriors to attack your first contact.

                            Capture their capitol when it drops it pop down from a settler build. The AI loves to do this early. Then eliminate all their cites.

                            Next make archers to go for the other civ. You will have the game in the bag by that point.


                            • #15
                              @vma I'm not losing yet. Eventhough bad start, I will continue my style (but doing what aeson did, break ROP ) BTW can u ask moderator too delete my posts on the 101 library?
                              and thx for the link
                              Game is just for Fun. Dont play the game if its not fun for you - binyo66 :)

