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  • Citymod

    I'm working on a citymod, where every tile represents a block. Most city improvements are either small or large wonders, and the timeline is 1930-2009. Aircraft would have unlimited range OR ranges up to 500, so bombs could be loaded into planes. (No bombs, no bombings) The mod isn't even playable, and if anyone has Automagic 4, it would be most appriciated for old cars and other units. This propably wont be good with the AI, as so many game concepts will be changed.

    - UNITS -
    All units would take away population (an infantry 1, a car 1, but a tank would take 4). All healthpoints are 1, but the retreatingpoints are larger. Tanks will of course have more health. Most units will bombard, except thugs & such.

    Each pop. number would be the number of people living in the block.

    - TERRAIN -
    Most terrain will be changed:
    Desert -> Sand
    Plains -> Asphalt
    Grassland -> Grass
    Tundra -> Concrete
    Floodplain -> Small Houses
    Hills -> Flats
    Mountains -> Skycrapers
    Forest -> Trees
    Wetlands -> Bushes
    Coast -> Shore
    Sea -> Lake
    Ocean -> River

    All buildings will be flagged as impassable with wheels, and all other than foot units will be wheeled.

    Every year will be its own technology (1931, 1932, 1933, etc). They will also have a research time of 10-14 turns.

    - TIME -
    Time is measured in months. The entire game will take 960 turns + 40 in the future era.

    - CITIES -
    Cities will be in the center of blocks. ie:
    (B=Building tile, C=City, R=Road)
    R R R R R
    R B B B R
    R B C B R
    R B B B R
    R R R R R

    Cities will this way represent a block, or in the countryside, important locations (like the flags in BF1942).

    Civs will represent different gangs fighting for the city. Also The Police and FBI will be done as their own civ. Also there will be the civilian population, which can only build workers and stuff.

    Scenarios will be totally selfmade, as random maps would look wierd. Right know I'm thinking of these kind of scenarios:

    Appleville, Alabama
    A small town surrounded by farmland.

    Grandopolis, Michigan
    A Big city with some out-of-town farms. Two Rivers and an island between them.

    Takriville, California
    Huge suburbs with a bit of coast, and a small town centre, Downtown.

    Resources will be almost totally remade, but U'm still tossing around with ideas on how to make them / what to make them. (Will the resources be found in or out of the city, will the resources be raw or manufactured, etc.)

    That's all for now, I'm waiting to hear feedback!
    ps. The main thread is in Civfanatics (link), which I find easier to use + there's less commercials

    (Screenshot in next post)

  • #2
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Good job!

