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War Weariness and recovery time

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  • War Weariness and recovery time

    Having scanned the numerous posts and noting the wide array of statistical analysis completed on Civ, here is a question that I am sure that someone has figured out (I would but lack the mental fortitude)

    How long does a civilization need to recover from war weariness?

    It seemed that my population recovered very quickly after my latest prolonged war exercise. This left me wondering if i were to engage in another protacted contest would my population revolt faster or does the "program" restart again at the beginning (whatever that number is).

    So based on the answer, my strategy for this game would be very simplistic; go to war until the population revolts, then stop for "X" turns and then go back to war and continue the cycle until I achieve victory.

    Let me know what you think.

  • #2
    The effects disappear as soon as peace breaks out. The actual WW, though, declines to zero over 20 turns. I'm not sure what the rate is, but want to say it isn't linear, but a declining balance rate (same % of remaining WW goes away each turn).
    Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


    • #3
      That sound about right. Here is Bamspeedy's report

      Length of war did not seem to be a factor (only the # of turns you end your turn with units in their territory).

      War weariness kicks in at various thresholds.
      First threshold: 25% of your people become unhappy (Republic)
      50% unhappy (democracy)
      Second threshold: 50% unhappy (Republic)
      100% unhappy (Democracy)
      Third threshold: 100% unhappy (Republic)
      Government overthrown (Democracy)
      *Republic can never be overthrown

      Units you lose, cities you lose, ending your turn in enemy territory contribute to WW.

      Universal Suffrage makes 1 person content in all cities (1 person that would have become unhappy because of war weariness).

      Police Stations allow 25% of your people to not become unhappy from WW. (so, in republic at the first threshold, you would see no unhappiness).

      I guess I should add:

      +1 for each turn you end your turn with a unit in their territory
      +2 for each unit you lose
      +15 if you have a city of yours razed (or captured?)

      *possible ones, that haven't fully been checked:
      pillaging, starvation of your citizens due to enemies having control of your former cities

      First threshold: 30 war weariness points (WW)
      Second threshold: 60 WW
      Third threshold: 90WW (Democracy)
      120WW (Republic)

      How does war weariness work?
      The study of war weariness goes on. I will thank Bamspeedy and DaveMcW (any other?) for their research, it really helped.

      War weariness is tracked for each civ indepentently.
      We measure war weariness with wwp (war weariness point).

      The different levels of war weariness:

      code:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Level wwp
      -1: - 0 wh (war happiness)
      0: 0 - 30 normal, no effect
      1: 31 - 60
      2: 61 - 90
      3: 91 - 120
      4: 121 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Effect of ww in war:

      All government:
      Level -1: 25% happy people

      Level 1: 25% unhappy people
      Level 2: 50% unhappy people
      Level 3: 50% unhappy people
      Level 4: 100% unhappy people

      Level 1: 50% unhappy people
      Level 2: 100% unhappy people
      Level 3: Revolt

      Number of unhappy people is round down. The number from each civ is added together and subtract 25% for police station and 1 for US (Universal Sufferage). The total number of unhappy citizen from ww can not exceed number of citizen.

      War happiness is calculated independent in the same way. (No effect of improvments)
      War happiness from several enemies could really help

      Calculations of wwp:
      All starts at 0.
      Subtract 30 wwp if the AI attacks you, except when AI is provoked by:
      - use of nuclear weapons
      - failed spy mission
      Anything else? Please tell me if you find something.

      Add 1 wwp if you have units in enemys territory when in war. (In beginning of the turn)

      The following describes the effect for a human:
      Add 1 wwp for each
      - lost unit without defence value
      - improvment pillage/bombed
      - unit that are bombard down to 1 hp
      Add 2 wwp when a human attacker is defeated
      Add 2 wwp when a unit with defence value is attacked. (Even if you win)
      Add 16 wwp when a size 1 city is captured 17 wwp for bigger cities.
      What if your cities get bombed?
      There is a bug for these penalties. For a human-AI battle, the AI gets the same penalty as the human (he gets penalty for taking human cities, but not for losing his own). For an AI-AI war both gets the penalty the first AI should have. There seems to be no problem with human-human battles.

      Subtract 1 wwp if level >= 1, no enemy inside your territory and no units in enemys territory.
      Subtract 1/20 of current wwp each turn in peace (round up)

      Assume you sign peace when you just have gotten 100% ww in republic (121wwp) and keep out of his territory. Then you will lose 8 wwp the first turn, 7wwp the next. It will take 19 turns to get down to level 0, and 43 turn until the war is totally forgotten.

      EDIT: Added info of how the AI gets wwp. Corrected some of the number of wwp given and the descriptions of when you get 1 wwp subtracted.


      • #4
        I have read other threads and articles about WW, and this is pretty straight forward in explaining it, but I don't see where the "and 43 turn until the war is totally forgotten" comes from.

        Could you please explain?



        • #5
          In the beginning (turn 0) you have 121 wwp.

          The next turn this is reduced by 1/20 because of peace. That is 7 wwp (Round up), and 1 wwp because theres no units in wrong territory. So the wwp drops to 113.

          The turn after 1/20 of 113 is 6, so wwp is now only reduced by 7.

          And so it goes on untill turn 19. Now, the wwp is below 31, and the only reduction is the 1/20 of the current wwp.

          After 43 turn the wwp is down to 0. For each turn you stay in enemy territory, or he stays in yours, add one turn. Unless the wwp is reduced to 30, or you are lucky with roundings.

          List of turns and wwp
          Turn 0- 1 reduction by 8: 121, 113
          Turn 2- 3 reduction by 7: 106, 99
          Turn 4- 7 reduction by 6: 93, 87, 81, 75
          Turn 8-10 reduction by 5: 70, 65, 60
          Turn 11-15 reduction by 4: 56, 52, 48, 44, 40
          Turn 16-19 reduction by 3: 37, 34, 31, 28
          Turn 20-23 reduction by 2: 26, 24, 22, 20
          Turn 24-43 reduction by 1: 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
          Last edited by Oystein; April 9, 2004, 23:05.


          • #6
            Thanks for saving me the effort. Maybe I will add that in for the future.


            • #7
              Thank you for the details. Surprisingly, I understood this analysis

