Due to some discussion in the Conquests forum I have decided to create a mod with larger maps. The map sizes are Standard, Large, Huge (these the stock parameters), Enormous (24 civ map), Gigantic (31 civ map). I used the patterns of the parameters from the first three to derive the values for the larger maps, so as far as that is concerned balance shouldn't be an issue. I haven't playtested it yet, though, so if anyone finds any balance issues then please let me know.
If you want the specifics of the Enormous and Gigantic sizes, here they are:
Size: 190x190
# Civs: 24
Distance Between Civs: 30
OCN: 44
Tech Rate: 480
Size: 220x220
# Civs: 31
Distance Between Civs: 35
OCN: 51
Tech Rate: 550
One reason I made them at that size was so they also wouldn't kill most machines that tried to play them (not including late game, however). I've found with slight playtesting that the speeds are actually manageable, however there is enough room for each civ to grow to ~6 cities, maybe more with small spacing, and definitely more with wars.
One problem I've found with gigantic maps is that often 3-4 civs will end up on small islands, sometimes even 2 tile islands, though usually big enough for 2 cities. Another problem is the tech rate...every tech at the beginning will take 50 turns, unless I up the max turns to 100, at which point they will then take 80-100 turns. Also, I'm not sure with the current settings, but when testing a couple other settings some civs would spawn literally next to each other, with 1 or 2 groups of 3 civs, with all the rest evenly spread out. If this remains a problem, I will either decrease the distance between civs, enlarge the map slightly, or simply suggest that all gigantic maps be played with 60% water. I haven't tested the enormous map at all yet, though.
This mod requires Conquests, by the way.
Anyways, enough rambling, here's the file:
If you want the specifics of the Enormous and Gigantic sizes, here they are:
Size: 190x190
# Civs: 24
Distance Between Civs: 30
OCN: 44
Tech Rate: 480
Size: 220x220
# Civs: 31
Distance Between Civs: 35
OCN: 51
Tech Rate: 550
One reason I made them at that size was so they also wouldn't kill most machines that tried to play them (not including late game, however). I've found with slight playtesting that the speeds are actually manageable, however there is enough room for each civ to grow to ~6 cities, maybe more with small spacing, and definitely more with wars.
One problem I've found with gigantic maps is that often 3-4 civs will end up on small islands, sometimes even 2 tile islands, though usually big enough for 2 cities. Another problem is the tech rate...every tech at the beginning will take 50 turns, unless I up the max turns to 100, at which point they will then take 80-100 turns. Also, I'm not sure with the current settings, but when testing a couple other settings some civs would spawn literally next to each other, with 1 or 2 groups of 3 civs, with all the rest evenly spread out. If this remains a problem, I will either decrease the distance between civs, enlarge the map slightly, or simply suggest that all gigantic maps be played with 60% water. I haven't tested the enormous map at all yet, though.
This mod requires Conquests, by the way.
Anyways, enough rambling, here's the file: