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GRAPHIC: Build Queue Graphics Mod for C3C

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  • GRAPHIC: Build Queue Graphics Mod for C3C

    This is for the city screen unit/building build list. It retains all of the original images, but appends various helpful icons.

    -Displays up arrows for units that can be upgraded
    -Shows the numerical capacity of units that accept cargo
    -Has symbols for stealth attack, and enslaving units

    -Shows culture points
    -Displays upkeep costs
    -Has symbols for the amount of pollution generated
    -Has symbols for nuclear meltdown potential
    -Displays "replace other of same type" option (i.e. building a coal plant will replace all other like buildings, such as a hydro plant)

    -Indicates if a wonder will become obsolete
    -Displays "tourist attraction" symbol
    -Shows culture points
    -Shows pollution generated

    Also, enclosed in the attached file you will find the original C3C images that comes with the retail version 1.00, named with a ".original" suffix. You will also find a "legend.jpg" file which shows the available symbols and what they represent.

    All icons referenced by the default conquests.biq have been adjusted...scenario, and other packages have not been altered (as there is not civilpedia nor a .biq or .bic file with the necessary information, that I found).

    To install, just replace the equally named .pcx files found in the ".\Conquest\Art\City Screen" and ".\Conquest\Art\Units" directories.

    PTW/Art .pcx files have not been tested.

    For the original Civilization 3 queue menu, please goto: Original Nemo's Queue

    I believe this is compatible with C3C versions 1.00 - 1.15. If there are any questions or mistakes, please post them, so they can be corrected.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Units Screenshot

    Last edited by Nemo; March 22, 2004, 22:41.


    • #3
      Buildings Screenshot

      Last edited by Nemo; March 21, 2004, 04:34.


      • #4
        reserved update 1

        reserved update 1


        • #5
          reserved update 2

          reserved update 2


          • #6
            Hi Nemo, just downloaded will try.

            Question, for Wonder Zeus, can/ or will icon show for unit to be generated and frequency? That is Ancient Calvary.

            Additionally, I heavily am modding many such situations with both City Improvements and a host of Small Wonders, is this feasible?

            I have just completed, today a Read Me compilation of 33 of first Age, some second Age improvements and Wonders, as well with 36 units most in first Age. This mod is Ancient Age setting.

            If this is not too much trouble and you are interested in looking at it, please advice.

            Many Thanks,
            The Graveyard Keeper
            Of Creation Forum
            If I can't answer you don't worry
            I'll send you elsewhere


            • #7
              Originally posted by Antrine
              Question, for Wonder Zeus, can/ or will icon show for unit to be generated and frequency?
              An icon can be shown for frequency, and which unit, yes. However, you would have to make the icon and number symbols, which would have to be done in apporximately no more then and 8x8 pixel area (varies for each unit or building icon, though) so it can fit next to the actual Zeus icon.

              Since unit generation with frequency is the main purpose of Zeus, I chose not to show such in my queue. I designed the queue to show sub-functionalities of an object, not its main purpose. For Zeus, my queue will show 4 culture symbols, one tourist attraction symbol, and one symbol showing that Zeus eventually expires. Since all of these are things that might be helpful in assisting a player in the decesion as to weighing the importance of starting to build Zeus. But, to put the extras plus the main functionality of an object in that tiny space would prove most difficult.

              Additionally, I heavily am modding many such situations with both City Improvements and a host of Small Wonders, is this feasible?
              If this is not too much trouble and you are interested in looking at it, please advice.
              Yes, it is feasible. I can send you the .psd (Photoshop) version of the file I have worked with if you would like, to make a similar one for your mods. Unfortunately, I don't have much time, as I have multiple shareware products, and several websites that I maintain, so I don't have much time to make a queue for custom mods. Sorry. (Then I would never have time to actually play Civ )


              • #8


                • #9
                  Yes, please send file, my e-mail is listed in members area.
                  I already looked at some of the graphics and believe I understand the drill. Many thanks for your fine work.
                  The Graveyard Keeper
                  Of Creation Forum
                  If I can't answer you don't worry
                  I'll send you elsewhere


                  • #10
                    You can grab it from:

                    I only used a .psd file for the buildings due to the colored icons that i added. After you modify the file to your likings, hide the icon layer that is there and (what i do anyway...) save it as a 256 color .gif file. Then open the .gif and save it as a .pcx. If you save the .psd file directly as a .pcx file, weird things happen (like Civ can't read it). I think it is because Civ can't see more than X amount of colors, or it has to do with the shade of red (since that was one that always mutated when saving it as a .pcx any other way). I think there are a few posts about how the color red is read by Civ (something to do with national coloring, or something).

                    The unit symbols that I added were all black, so i just editted/saved them as a .pcx file. Since there were no shades of red, or too many colors, I didn't have to create a .psd for this file (I just copied/pasted/created it as a .pcx).

                    Once you try it, you will find that there is nothing too it, just tedious work


                    • #11
                      many thanks Nemo! Got it.
                      The Graveyard Keeper
                      Of Creation Forum
                      If I can't answer you don't worry
                      I'll send you elsewhere


                      • #12
                        I need to try this out. It looks pretty cool!


                        • #13
                          Yay!!! I've been waiting for a C3C update to this for this since C3C came out.

