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HELP! Could someone help me?

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  • HELP! Could someone help me?

    My sister and I have been editing our civilization III game. So far we've done pretty well, we've changed a good deal of the speech, and we've made many various and complex scenearios. My problem is that we don't know how to rename units. My sister found the instructions in the civilopedia but she can't understand them. She doesn't know what .INI file is for one, and well... I was wondering if anyone could help us out? Also is it possiable to rename the leaders? We're trying to turn our game into a Lord of the Rings type game. Please help!

  • #2
    You can definitely change the leaders' names.

    In the Civ3Editor, you click on the Civilizations tab, and alongside the cities list, is the leaders list. Simply delete and replace as you wish.

    If you're referring to the leaderhead leader of each civilization, then (I'm working off memory here) I believe you can change them very simply in the Civilizations tab, also. There should be an input box where you simply type in the alternative text.

    If not, forgive me - I can't remember exactly (only just reinstalled Civilization III after letting it sit for 6 months - I'm out of practice).


    • #3
      Re: HELP! Could someone help me?

      Originally posted by Trotter
      My sister and I have been editing our civilization III game. So far we've done pretty well, we've changed a good deal of the speech, and we've made many various and complex scenearios. My problem is that we don't know how to rename units. My sister found the instructions in the civilopedia but she can't understand them. She doesn't know what .INI file is for one, and well... I was wondering if anyone could help us out? Also is it possiable to rename the leaders? We're trying to turn our game into a Lord of the Rings type game. Please help!
      You'll find the .ini file inside the folder that contains the graphics etc, which you'll find in Art/Units. You haven't mentioned what version your'e working with. There's different ways of doing this depending on what you're playing on.


      • #4
        You just use the units tab in the editor and click rename on the specific unit however do not change the PRTO unluss you want to change the file name.
        Absolute power corrupts absolutely


        • #5
          P.S when you finish that mod can I have Is? i was woking on a LOTR one too but I am too lazy to finish it didint work to well
          Absolute power corrupts absolutely

