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Idea about upgardes for some UUs

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  • Idea about upgardes for some UUs

    We all know that Legion and Galic Swordsmen upgrade to Med. Infantry.
    Of course, this is usually not optimal solution. It would be better if they would upgrade directly to Guerilla, so

    you could use their good stats for some more time.

    Of course, only problem is that this is not possibile without breaking upgrade path.

    But I have an idea.

    I made a new unit called "Warrior " (with one blank space after the name).
    It's available only to Barbarians, Romans, Celts and Persians.
    Romans, Celts and Persians can't build normal warrior.
    Barabarian is in the list, so these civs would still be able to get warrior from goody hut.

    Now normal warrior upgrades to Swordsmen and then to Med. Infantry, while "Warrior " upgrades to these UUs and then

    to Guerilla. In all other ways new "Warrior " is same as old one.

    This way, these civs coulds still build their UU, after getting Feudalism.

    Possibile problem:
    In civilopedia there are two warrior units.
    Luckily there are no problems in science screen, since Warrior needs no tech.

    Here is the test biq I made:
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Why don't you just leave the upgrade path as it is, and remove the ability from Rome and Celts to build Medieval Infantry?


    • #3
      Is this just because you want to build more Legions after you discover MI?


      • #4
        Well, I think it's because he wants to have the option to build either the UU or Med Infantry.

        Not worth the trouble, IMO, but if that's what he wants, it's the only way to do it...


        • #5
          Originally posted by alexman
          Why don't you just leave the upgrade path as it is, and remove the ability from Rome and Celts to build Medieval Infantry?
          Well idea is to allow both civs to build MI as well as their UUs.


          • #6
            I have the same with the byzantines. I like the dromon better than the caravel it upgrades to, because of its bombard ability and enhanced attack, even over the caravel. The relative worse defense and transport i take for granted, but i really like the early bombard ability.
            I think the only way to alter this is something similar player1 mentioned about the warrior.
            The way i solve this now is quite silly: I build tons of dromons early on so i still have plenty when i can build caravels.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Major Guz
              I have the same with the byzantines. I like the dromon better than the caravel it upgrades to, because of its bombard ability and enhanced attack, even over the caravel. The relative worse defense and transport i take for granted, but i really like the early bombard ability.
              I think the only way to alter this is something similar player1 mentioned about the warrior.
              The way i solve this now is quite silly: I build tons of dromons early on so i still have plenty when i can build caravels.
              yes. i concur. i much prefer dromons to caravels in almost every situation.

              although, IIRC, if you don't enter your golden age, you can still build dromons, can't you?
              "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
              - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

