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Patch 1.20

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  • #16
    What? Not a word about about the stealth units bug (declaring war if ran into by accident) and not a word about the atrocious resource situation?

    Weak patch, not worth installing.


    • #17
      Bit of a sour puss lately Sir Ralph!

      Stop attacking the poor Danes and your fortunes are sure to improve.


      • #18
        Dream on.


        • #19
          I'm just angry that they haven't given us a good scenario editor, because as far as I'm concerned, Civ 2 was usable up until the release of Civ 3, and the scenarioes in Civ 3 are so insufficient, I might go to tweaking Civ 2 again, especially CSPL or whatever its called, I see myself developping much better scenarioes for ToT than whatever could be developped in Civ three at the moment!

          I think they should just quit patching Civ 3 past v1.15 right now (It was working enough) and concentrate on getting the editor working well enough to allow us to extend that value of the game well into the future and to allow it to last as long as Civ 2...because right now Empire Earth is looking more and more charming. Also, it'd be nice to have a "Second Center of Empire" option availible for scenarioes again...but apparently scenarioes are not a concern of the Firaxis community as shown by the scenario editors in Civ 3, especially versus Civ 2 save/cheat modes, which is a shame...instead of taking steps forward with Civ 3, they took several steps back, and I'm clearly unhappy about it, being a history guy and all...


          • #20
            Originally posted by alexman
            I find it amazing that they are still confused about what the FP does in their own game!
            This is a soap opera that every day let new surprises take the scene with new events,why discourage them ?

            I am just wondering the next episode what will be...



            • #21
              I bet that FP is same as in 1.15, and that it's only poor readme text.


              • #22
                Who needs a proper README if he has alexman.


                • #23
                  Alexman it's been hours and you still haven't confirmed whether they have managed not to screw up the FP in this patch. Please tell me it works like 1.15. This slackness is unforgiveable.

                  Also, this patch is fine IMO, since it addresses some real issues and many have been whinging about not having an official patch that does so. I also hope the resource situation get's addressed and some other things, but releasing this patch now is probably the correct step. Of course they would be damned whichever way they went, but that's the way it goes.


                  • #24
                    Actually that info says the cities in the FP core are affected by distance to the capital. I think they mean capital or FP, but they don't make it very clear the first time it is mentioned.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Doc
                      Alexman it's been hours and you still haven't confirmed whether they have managed not to screw up the FP in this patch.
                      They have screwed it, that's a given. All alexman has to do is to tell how much.


                      • #26
                        I would just love to see a feature (atleast in Debug) that just created a log of your errors instead of crashing to desktop as you try to figure out if your mod can run
                        Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                        See me at


                        • #27
                          Unless they come in with a VERY strong finish, I suspect more and more will simply move on...
                          ...and then come running back when Civ 4 is released.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Antrine
                            WARNING Low expectations can be contagious.

                            Tweaking Conquest scenarios is no better than what we can already do by modding. Switching things around that I now do with the editor is just a shame . Finally, or so appearing, if this much 'work' (a few months now) is for fixing what us modders do all the time, I simply say 'what of it'!

                            Unless they come in with a VERY strong finish, I suspect more and more will simply move on...
                            Let's see.....

                            * PBEM: Games can not be loaded in Single Player
                            * PBEM: v1.20 Games can not be loaded on earlier versions! Earlier saves can
                            STILL be loaded in v1.20.
                            * PBEM: Previous players Civ can no longer be seen when loading a PBEM game
                            * Double gold bug is fixed.
                            * Railroads will always appear under captured cities if you have Steam
                            * Updated AI Strategies in Conquests: Mesopotamia - Galley (Naval Power),
                            Enkidu Warrior (Offense), Rise of Rome - All legions (Defense OFF),
                            MesoAmerica - Acali & Great Acali (Acali:Unload/Upgrade & Naval Transport,
                            Great Acali (Upgrade Unit OFF), Age of Discovery - Javelin Thrower
                            (Offense), Missionary (Capture, Offense), WWII Pacific - Fighter Bomber
                            * Secret Police HQ no longer gives effects corruption OR OCN bonus when
                            player leaves Communism. Fixed error with Government required buildings not
                            turning off.
                            * Fixed issue that caused scientific leaders to use only the first name in
                            the list.
                            * Fixed issue that caused selections on the Foreign Advisor screen to be
                            * Fixed issue with the audio preferences (sound volume).
                            * Greatly improved the ability of Seafaring civs to start near the coast. It
                            should happen most of the time now.
                            * Fixed numerous problems with Seafaring civs starting near the coast in
                            hotseat games.
                            * Implemented Seafaring civs starting near the coast in MP games.
                            * Updated the interface on the world chooser screen so selected options were
                            more apparent.
                            * Histograph keeps tracking defeated Civs
                            * MPTournament: Tiny & Small maps can be played with 8 players
                            * Implemented Allow Scientific Leaders Rule
                            * Implemented ability to enter a seed value on the world setup screen. It is
                            located in the upper-right corner. Any character can be entered as the seed.
                            If the seed is 0 (the default), it will generate the world normally. If
                            every character is a number, the value is interpreted as the seed value and
                            used to generate the world. In all other cases, a hash table formula is
                            applied to the string to generate a unique value that is used to generate
                            the world. While it is technically possible for two different strings to
                            evaluate to the same seed, it is unlikely (i.e., SEED is not the same as
                            DEES -- upper- and lower-case letters will yield
                            different results as well).
                            * Implemented the "Play Last World" option. This option appears on the main
                            menu after playing the first SP random-map game. When chosen, the player is
                            taken to the world chooser with the seed filled in and all the previous
                            settings selected. The player can make any changes or keep the world exactly
                            the same. Note that if ANY changes are made on this screen, the map that is
                            generated will be different. Next the player is taken to the player setup
                            screen with all the civs and settings from the previous game
                            selected. Again, the player can make any changes or keep the settings the
                            same. If ANY civs are changed, player starting locations MAY change
                            (depending on the number of seafaring civs, actually).
                            * Implemented support for CAPS LOCK to work as the SHIFT key to skip unit
                            movement animations (so you don't have to hold shift for the AI's turn to
                            skip the animations).

                            Yep, I know I can do ALL of those in the editor, every last darn tootin one of em.

                            You might also realize that this is the first NON-beta patch, so for those folks who don't troll the websites, this is the first improvement they'll see.

                            I think the amount of material in it (including the stuff that you can fix in the editor because -GASP- the average "Joe Sixpack" civ player doesn't tinker with that) is very commendable.... but then again, maybe I just have reasonable expectations.

                            You might also be interested to know that the MP community - ever the red-headed stepchild and small group, largely because the needs of MP were ignored - is celebrating this patch as a huge leap forward, because we finally got more than two lines of text in a patch, and actually got things we asked for instead of "OOS with bombers fixed...really...really this, no REALLY!"

                            Two thumbs up, Firaxis. SOME of us appreciate what you do and can lend a kind word within our criticisms (the sub thing really does need to be fixed, hehe.)
                            Friedrich Psitalon
                            Admin, Civ4Players Ladder
                            Consultant, Firaxis Games


                            • #29
                              I can't help but feel a tad disappointed that the sub bug isn't addressed or that there is no hint of the stuff that Jesse said he was working on (worker gangs etc) months ago.

                              I'd really like to hear from him on this - will there be another patch in the future? His openness with the community to date has been impressive; hopefully we'll hear from him sooner rather than later.

                              However I've also heard him say that he is the only one in Friaxis who is working on patches, and that he only works on them during the evenings (his days being occupied with Civ4). This suggests to me that the chances of further patch are preeettty slim.


                              • #30
                                Yeah, the worker gangs would've been really nice. ::drool:: Unlike some folks (not saying you, Andy) I don't let what I want ruin my appreciation of what I've been given.
                                Friedrich Psitalon
                                Admin, Civ4Players Ladder
                                Consultant, Firaxis Games

