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Patch 1.20

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  • Patch 1.20

    Click translate link at top of the page. Though the translation is poor. Click the patch contents link and it will give ya some idea of what is to come.
    Last edited by Rellin; March 11, 2004, 18:48.

  • #2
    for the lazy

    v1.20 Fixes, Changes, Additions
    * PBEM: Games can not be loaded in Single Player
    * PBEM: v1.20 Games can not be loaded on earlier versions! Earlier saves can
    STILL be loaded in v1.20.
    * PBEM: Previous players Civ can no longer be seen when loading a PBEM game
    * Corruption calculation error that resulted in negative effects from the
    Forbidden Palace is now fixed. Forbidden Palace cities no longer act as a
    2nd city empire. They are still affected by distance corruption from the
    * Double gold bug is fixed.
    * Railroads will always appear under captured cities if you have Steam
    * Updated AI Strategies in Conquests: Mesopotamia - Galley (Naval Power),
    Enkidu Warrior (Offense), Rise of Rome - All legions (Defense OFF),
    MesoAmerica - Acali & Great Acali (Acali:Unload/Upgrade & Naval Transport,
    Great Acali (Upgrade Unit OFF), Age of Discovery - Javelin Thrower
    (Offense), Missionary (Capture, Offense), WWII Pacific - Fighter Bomber
    * Secret Police HQ no longer gives effects corruption OR OCN bonus when
    player leaves Communism. Fixed error with Government required buildings not
    turning off.
    * Fixed issue that caused scientific leaders to use only the first name in
    the list.
    * Fixed issue that caused selections on the Foreign Advisor screen to be
    * Fixed issue with the audio preferences (sound volume).
    * Greatly improved the ability of Seafaring civs to start near the coast. It
    should happen most of the time now.
    * Fixed numerous problems with Seafaring civs starting near the coast in
    hotseat games.
    * Implemented Seafaring civs starting near the coast in MP games.
    * Updated the interface on the world chooser screen so selected options were
    more apparent.
    * Fixed upgrade all bug (for units that do not have the upgrade ability but
    are part of the upgrade chain).
    * Added feminine titles for Despotism, Feudalism, and Fascism (for English
    rules only!).
    * Editor: Added Flavors to the Import dialog.
    * Corrected display of silk as luxury in city view in Rise of Rome
    * Corrected Scourge of God splash screen art in Fall of Rome
    * Build road/fort animations now show for Legionary in Fall of Rome
    * Cataphract now uses Ancient Cavalry art in Middle Ages
    * Corrected Mining tech art in Age of Discovery
    * Fixed Random Civ MP Launch OOS
    * Optimized main menu code.
    * Cleaned up INI preferences code
    * Updated Civilopedia.txt Forbidden Palace to explain that all cities are
    still affected by distance from the Real Capital.
    * Updated Civilopedia
    * Updated PediaIcons.txt
    * Fixed Credit Typos
    * Fixed QuickCiv Description

    * Corruption reducing buildings strength doubled
    * Optimal Cities increased
    * Histograph keeps tracking defeated Civs
    * Electronics requirement removed from Motorized Transportation
    * Radio Tech removed
    * Advanced Flight now requires Electronics
    * Civil Defense requires Electronics
    * Industrial Tech Page updated to reflect change
    * Radar Towers require Advanced Flight
    * MPTournament: Tiny & Small maps can be played with 8 players
    * MPTournament: Map sets Oceans to 40%
    * MPTournament: Map Trading moved back to Map Making
    * MPTournament: Enkidu cost raised to 15
    * MPTournament: Ancient Cavalry defense lowered from 2 to 1
    * MPTournament: Captured cities retain culture
    * MPTournament: Turn slices lowered from 24(base)/3(per-city)/1(per-unit) to
    * MPTournament: Scientific Leaders disabled
    * MP: City goodie hut spawns are not possible in Elimination Mode
    * Shifted minimap and unit info boxes slightly inward to prevent problems
    with scrolling and button-clicking.
    * Re-enabled Intel optimizations from PTW.

    * Implemented Allow Scientific Leaders Rule
    * Implemented ability to enter a seed value on the world setup screen. It is
    located in the upper-right corner. Any character can be entered as the seed.
    If the seed is 0 (the default), it will generate the world normally. If
    every character is a number, the value is interpreted as the seed value and
    used to generate the world. In all other cases, a hash table formula is
    applied to the string to generate a unique value that is used to generate
    the world. While it is technically possible for two different strings to
    evaluate to the same seed, it is unlikely (i.e., SEED is not the same as
    DEES -- upper- and lower-case letters will yield
    different results as well).
    * Implemented the "Play Last World" option. This option appears on the main
    menu after playing the first SP random-map game. When chosen, the player is
    taken to the world chooser with the seed filled in and all the previous
    settings selected. The player can make any changes or keep the world exactly
    the same. Note that if ANY changes are made on this screen, the map that is
    generated will be different. Next the player is taken to the player setup
    screen with all the civs and settings from the previous game
    selected. Again, the player can make any changes or keep the settings the
    same. If ANY civs are changed, player starting locations MAY change
    (depending on the number of seafaring civs, actually).
    * Implemented support for CAPS LOCK to work as the SHIFT key to skip unit
    movement animations (so you don't have to hold shift for the AI's turn to
    skip the animations).
    * The MP timer values are now read from scenarios (the default values remain
    * Editor: Added MP timer values to the Scenario Properties. There are 3
    values: Base, Per Unit, and Per City (with defaults of 24, 1, and 3,
    respectively). They represent the Base amount of time per turn + the amount
    of time Per Unit + the amount of time Per City (number of units/cities used
    each turn are based on the player with the most units and the player with
    the most cities on that turn). The values can range from 0-100. The higher
    the number, the more time per turn. The scenario MPFastCiv3Conquests was
    added to demonstrate this change. You may not notice much of a difference
    initially but the turns quickly become faster as you get more cities and


    • #3
      I find it amazing that they are still confused about what the FP does in their own game!


      • #4
        Originally posted by alexman
        I find it amazing that they are still confused about what the FP does in their own game!
        Has Firaxis hired you yet? They should!


        • #5
          Also, "Corruption reducing buildings strength doubled" is confusing. It's only their effect on max corruption that's doubled.

          PS. I'd love to work for them - I actually sent them my resume.
          Last edited by alexman; March 11, 2004, 23:35.


          • #6
            I don't see any fixes involving subs causing war when accidentally struck.
            "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


            • #7
              I hope that for us really lazy people they have listed the changed from 1.15 to 1.20 seperately. I don't want to read about stuff that is already in 1.15.


              • #8
                As I win the Lotto, your hired pronto! Otherwise mayhap we should simply certify patch 1.15 as 'Gold' and leave well enough alone.
                The Graveyard Keeper
                Of Creation Forum
                If I can't answer you don't worry
                I'll send you elsewhere


                • #9
                  Where's the SUBSTANCE!!
                  The Graveyard Keeper
                  Of Creation Forum
                  If I can't answer you don't worry
                  I'll send you elsewhere


                  • #10
                    1) Why at .de?

                    2) While I am still tremendously appreciative of Jesse's and everyone else's ongoing efforts, I'm pretty disappointed that a few things have not yet been addressed as well.
                    The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                    Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                    • #11
                      This is obviously a very interim patch, with few changes over 1.15 beta; perhaps just the tech tree changes. Leaves alot in Jesse's wish list for subsequent patches.


                      • #12


                        ok now what

                        I was expecting...more


                        • #13

                          It's the first public patch, it looks like it does what it should- a great game is made more playable. I'm surprised the sub thing was never addressed, though.

                          Sheesh, some people just want their Civ fix upped by any means possible. ;-)

                          So, Motorized Transport doesn't require anything from the Scientific Method branch anymore? Hmmm...
                          Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                          • #14
                            WARNING Low expectations can be contagious.

                            Tweaking Conquest scenarios is no better than what we can already do by modding. Switching things around that I now do with the editor is just a shame . Finally, or so appearing, if this much 'work' (a few months now) is for fixing what us modders do all the time, I simply say 'what of it'!

                            Unless they come in with a VERY strong finish, I suspect more and more will simply move on...
                            The Graveyard Keeper
                            Of Creation Forum
                            If I can't answer you don't worry
                            I'll send you elsewhere


                            • #15
                              * MPTournament: Tiny & Small maps can be played with 8 players
                              * MPTournament: Map sets Oceans to 40%
                              * MPTournament: Map Trading moved back to Map Making
                              * MPTournament: Enkidu cost raised to 15
                              * MPTournament: Ancient Cavalry defense lowered from 2 to 1
                              * MPTournament: Captured cities retain culture
                              * MPTournament: Turn slices lowered from 24(base)/3(per-city)/1(per-unit) to
                              * MPTournament: Scientific Leaders disabled
                              So Ancient Cavalry balancing only in MP???

                              And Enkidu is only exepnsive in MP, while Jaguar Warrior is in SP too???

                              * Electronics requirement removed from Motorized Transportation
                              * Radio Tech removed
                              * Advanced Flight now requires Electronics
                              * Civil Defense requires Electronics
                              * Industrial Tech Page updated to reflect change
                              * Radar Towers require Advanced Flight
                              Now if only Amp. Warfare would need Combustion instead of Mass Production (to promote Marines before Tanks option).

