OK, I lied, but the topic sounds good!
I never have enough cash, and then I have the same problem in Civ3 and C3C.
Many of you write that you have tons of cash available for unit upgrades and rushing key buildings; I tend to upgrade piecemeal and wait for cash to rush a single building. My usual path is Republic and Democracy, and since Civ2 I tend to be a commerce fiend. My AI opponents never seem to have much cash for gpt deals, either.
My working assumption is that I overbuild, putting too many structures in my cities, but when I look on the F1 screen I see that my biggest cost centers are science and corruption followed by unit costs, with maintenance way down the list.
I just glanced through the Must Read Threads list, and there really isn't much there on economic development beyond the early game and the Draft Guide (which is a bit elementary and by now a bit dated).
So what do you tend to build (and NOT build) in your palace core cities, in your FP core cities, in your semi-productive cities, and in your totally corrupt cities? Now obviously this would vary between REXers and CRAMmers, and between Builders and Warmongers, so I'm asking about your own preferences.
I know, I know, "It depends!"
I never have enough cash, and then I have the same problem in Civ3 and C3C.

My working assumption is that I overbuild, putting too many structures in my cities, but when I look on the F1 screen I see that my biggest cost centers are science and corruption followed by unit costs, with maintenance way down the list.
I just glanced through the Must Read Threads list, and there really isn't much there on economic development beyond the early game and the Draft Guide (which is a bit elementary and by now a bit dated).
So what do you tend to build (and NOT build) in your palace core cities, in your FP core cities, in your semi-productive cities, and in your totally corrupt cities? Now obviously this would vary between REXers and CRAMmers, and between Builders and Warmongers, so I'm asking about your own preferences.
I know, I know, "It depends!"