A couple of thoughts here.
1. The primarly problem with host humans shuffling cards is that they don't suffle enough. 3 and 4 shuffles aren't enough, there will still be unnaturally high clumps of the old ordering. 7 is generally the optimum number, particlarly if cards aren't going to be distrupted one at a time. (With one at a time distruption, you can get away with 6, particlarly if you have someone else "cut" to randomize the starting point.)
2. 52 is not a particlarly good number of items for computers to puesdo-randomize using most existing algorithms. With the typical algorithms, they have best performance on numbers that can be expressed as 2 ^ N. (32 or 64.) Their wost performance is on numbers that can be expressed as ((2 ^ N) - 1) such as 63. (Both in terms of speed and randomness.)
[QUOTE] Originally posted by Hermann the Lombard
The distributions were quite different than in the "dealt" cards because the distributions were truly random. Humans don't shuffle that well.
1. The primarly problem with host humans shuffling cards is that they don't suffle enough. 3 and 4 shuffles aren't enough, there will still be unnaturally high clumps of the old ordering. 7 is generally the optimum number, particlarly if cards aren't going to be distrupted one at a time. (With one at a time distruption, you can get away with 6, particlarly if you have someone else "cut" to randomize the starting point.)
2. 52 is not a particlarly good number of items for computers to puesdo-randomize using most existing algorithms. With the typical algorithms, they have best performance on numbers that can be expressed as 2 ^ N. (32 or 64.) Their wost performance is on numbers that can be expressed as ((2 ^ N) - 1) such as 63. (Both in terms of speed and randomness.)
[QUOTE] Originally posted by Hermann the Lombard
The distributions were quite different than in the "dealt" cards because the distributions were truly random. Humans don't shuffle that well.