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no barbs not working?

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  • no barbs not working?

    I don't know how this has been in the past as I have never used it before now. Dominae suggested that at Sid the AI would build curraghs if it started with Alphabet and I could prove it with a debug run.

    So I finally tried it. First he is correct. I made a map and I figured to cut down on the time it took to see a few turns by using no barbs.

    Around turn 7 barbs were visibile? I soon noticed the ships, so I stopped the game, but exactly what does no barbs mean, if not that none should be in the game?

    I changed the map out of debug and ran about 10 or so turns until I was able to run into the barbs?

  • #2
    Aren't you able to get barbs from goody huts, even with the "No barbs" setting. If not, then I'm out of ideas.
    You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


    • #3
      He said ships, so no way it can be huts. I've played no barbs games without seeing a barb, so I assumed it works.


      • #4
        No barbs means no goody huts. The map did not have huts, but all of a sudden I saw barb camps? Then a few barbs roving around.

        By ships I was talking about the curragh that I was actually testing to see if the AI made them.

        I just figured "no barb" option meant just that. No huts no barb camps. The reason I did not want themin the test is I did not want to have to watch scores of AI fights with them.


        • #5
          Sorry, I just glanced through, should have read the post properly.
          You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


          • #6
            Re: no barbs not working?

            The problem is that you made a map initally on a different setting(that included barb camps) and then changed it to "no barbs" without removing the barb camps.

            There won't be any new camps spotaniously forming with this setting, but the ones included in the map aren't affected.

            Originally posted by vmxa1
            I don't know how this has been in the past as I have never used it before now. Dominae suggested that at Sid the AI would build curraghs if it started with Alphabet and I could prove it with a debug run.

            So I finally tried it. First he is correct. I made a map and I figured to cut down on the time it took to see a few turns by using no barbs.

            Around turn 7 barbs were visibile? I soon noticed the ships, so I stopped the game, but exactly what does no barbs mean, if not that none should be in the game?

            I changed the map out of debug and ran about 10 or so turns until I was able to run into the barbs?
            1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
            Templar Science Minister
            AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


            • #7
              It never had any huts and no barbs on turn 1. They showed up at turn 7.

              So I still do not know what the deal is with the setting. The no barbs is set with the editor using scenario properties, so the game starts that way?


              • #8
                I noticed a change in behavior with the barb settings from Civ3 & PTW to C3C. In Civ3 & PTW I could make a map in the editor with a no barbs setting and then change the scenario properties to have barbs as raging. This gave me a map with no huts but allowed barbs to appear. Now in C3C is seems that the setting you use when making the map is the one that is saved. Changing the setting on the scenario properties does not matter if the map has already been generated.


                • #9
                  What do you mean, how are you changing the property settings for barbs outside of the editor?

