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Submarines and wars

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  • Submarines and wars

    I am 99% sure this has been mentioned before, pre 1.15, but it looks like post 1.15 you can still start wars with your best friend because their naval unit run into yours.

    Actually, I had a strange occurance where an Indian sub ran into mine. I'm not sure if this was the same error, a concious declaration of war, or a variation of the existing bug.

    But I have some level of confidence this declaration of war was not preplanned. For 2 reasons
    1) The indians are already at war with another Civ which is much larger than me. If anything they'd be asking me for an alliance or MPP

    2) no troop massings near my borders as is usual in pre-planned attacks (wars that they don't declare on you because of human actions - repeated spying, failed planting of a spy, repeated request to get off territory)

    Can anyone shed some more light into this?
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  • #2
    It seems to be the on again off again bug. Currently back on.


    • #3
      That's it! Are you telling me the bugs are blinking!
      The Graveyard Keeper
      Of Creation Forum
      If I can't answer you don't worry
      I'll send you elsewhere

