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Problem with downloaded scenarios

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  • Problem with downloaded scenarios

    I'm having problems with any downloaded scenarios I try to play on Conquests. For whatever reason, the game freezes up after you have selected your tribe and prepares to start the scenario. The scroll bar on the load status gets to about 64%, then stops and the game locks up.

    Anyone else have this problem, and if so, how do you fix it?

  • #2
    What maps are you seeing this with? Are these the supersized ones? If so what is you system specks? I have used a few that will crush my bqackp machine (1.7GH) and make my main one (3.066HG) very ill. The load time one was so long I rebooted and then stuck with it for over 10 mins.


    • #3

      I'm not sure what the size is...the scenarios (there are two so far that I have had problems with) - the Imperialism scenario that is available here, and also "Years of Rice and Salt" available via the C3C disc.

      I'm just hoping that whatever scenario modifications I've downloaded into Civ from users hasn't affected scenario loading. I don't know why it would, as it hasn't affected saved games or the Conquest scenarios, but all the same. No juice to the user-created scenarios...

      I know I have plenty of room on my drive and plenty of memory also...

      Its a conundrum.

