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Strategy on Sengoku Scenario

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  • Strategy on Sengoku Scenario

    I've finally gotten around to playing the actual "conquests" part of Conquests and i'm wondering a few things about the Sengoku scenario.. What type of strategy did you all use while playing? And what Civ? I started one game as Useugi, pretty decent land and I expanded to own the top right of northren Japan. However I came into problems when warring.

    Namely that the other clans seem prepared, even eager to break alliances and backstab me. I even had civs with rops bs me. My military wasn't the best i'll admit, but it was higher then the civs backstabbing me. In that game it ended with various civs overunning me. So I tried again, using the Useugi.

    This time I made sure to stay on top military wise, expanding to grab a little bit more of land. Betrayal hasn't happened as much now, but its still ongong. I really can't trust anyone so i've been staying out of other peoples wars, only waging some of my own. So on that end, i'm ok. The problem i'm facing now lies in the sheer number of units i'm facing.

    I've tried(and faield) to take the Hojo capital two times now. Once with near 20 units, the second time with near 30. The problem isn't the quality of the untis(mostly just warrior monks), but the number. For every one I kill, two more seem to step forward. I've been trying to decide wether to build up for an even larger assault, or to start massing fire cannons against it. Btw, i'm using Mounted Samurai as my main attacking unit, Samurai Aquebesquirs(sp?) are around now, but I prefer retreat, saves me units.

    Anyway, thats just my experience thus far, how did you guys deal with the massive number of units being thrown around and the snievling, conniving, backstabbing AI?
    "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung

  • #2
    Look back over the last 30 days. You should find a thread or two about the scenarios.


    • #3
      I have only played this one once so far. And at an easy difficulty level (warlord or regent I think). The scenario was so easy at the level to almost not be fun. I never even seen the higher techs.

      So I probalby won't be much help.

      I started with the civ in the very southern part of the main island and just swept my way north conquering everything in my path.

      Although I did start another game before that one. I did abandon that one- well I lost because I attacked a city with my King unit, and he died . This was at the very, very beginning. I thought for sure a unit with a defense of 1 couldn't defeat my attacking King unit . I was in the middle as well- things will be tougher if you start in the middle and can't get rsources.


      • #4
        I've just started playing this scenario for the first time a couple of days ago, emperor level, Takeda clan, and am almost half in terms of turns.

        I managed to get Great Library and gain tech lead, right now I'm researching future techs, so the second part of the game will be totally devoted to warfaring.

        This scenario seems rather easy to me, and it sure is lots of fun to play.

        I'm number five on the score screens, and have fought several short wars, even losing 2 important cities of mine, but due to diplomacy and aimed warfare I've reconquered them and also took several cities of several neighbouring clans (Imagawa, Uesugi and Saito).

        I've got a top military, but still need to get access to saltpeter, next target, after dealing with Saito, will be Imagawa's northern cities, as there's saltpeter there.

        The diversity of units is nice, there hasn't stand up a killer civ yet, and it's unlikely there will be another killer civ than me, as I'm still building up improvements (rushing with gold), constantly switching to wartime for producing and rushing military units.

        As a sidenote I'd mention this: before c3c I've never bothered for switching to wartime (mobilization), now it seems almost impossible stupid not to ...

        Just love mobilization, strange I didn't bother before ...

        Very nice scenario ...

        " Deal with me fairly and I'll allow you to breathe on ... for a while. Deal with me unfairly and your deeds shall be remembered and punished. Your last human remains will feed the vultures who circle in large numbers above the ruins of your once proud cities. "
        - emperor level all time
        - I'm back !!! (too...)


        • #5
          Re: Strategy on Sengoku Scenario

          Originally posted by ChaotikVisions

          I've tried(and faield) to take the Hojo capital two times now. Once with near 20 units, the second time with near 30. The problem isn't the quality of the untis(mostly just warrior monks), but the number. For every one I kill, two more seem to step forward. I've been trying to decide wether to build up for an even larger assault, or to start massing fire cannons against it. Btw, i'm using Mounted Samurai as my main attacking unit, Samurai Aquebesquirs(sp?) are around now, but I prefer retreat, saves me units.

          Anyway, thats just my experience thus far, how did you guys deal with the massive number of units being thrown around and the snievling, conniving, backstabbing AI?
          First of all, I only attack cities with armies, accompanied by several other offensive units, like samurai warrior, mounted samurais and samurai archers. I haven't got saltpeter yet, so can't use gunpowder units yet.

          If the defenders have at least +7 defense and are fortified in cities, you should always attack with armies. I've already gotten 4 MGL's, so it isn't that hard to get armies in this warfare minded scenario. The small wonder for creating armies helps as well ...

          I don't bother about other civs backstabbing me, let your Yamabushi defend strategic tiles (resources, luxuries and workers) and have at least two strong defenders in each town. The Yamabushi represent a great defensive force, as they have two movement and threat all terrain as roads (IIRC).

          " Deal with me fairly and I'll allow you to breathe on ... for a while. Deal with me unfairly and your deeds shall be remembered and punished. Your last human remains will feed the vultures who circle in large numbers above the ruins of your once proud cities. "
          - emperor level all time
          - I'm back !!! (too...)


          • #6
            I haven't played any of the conquests for a while, though I started out with them when I bought C3C. I recall that I quite enjoyed Sengoku because it had quite a different flavour to the epic game, but the tech-tree was quite short and so after a while everyone has the same units and it becomes a bit of a slog-fest. I never finished it, but I've still got it saved somewhere. It becomes a bit tiresome, knowing that you just need to build lots more units to win but can't be bothered continuing.
            So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
            Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

            Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


            • #7
              I played this on Monarch and won with a Diplomatic victory. I went full out culture with a strong military to back it up . I don't remember who I played but my position was pretty good. Just kept everyone happy with me that I didn't want to war with and did fine.


              • #8
                I used my Daimyo with abandon, it's risky, but fun. If I want to take out a civ, I just march to his capital and have a Daimyo to Daimyo fight, takes out the whole empire. Sucks though if you want some of their cities though. I also like the mix of units. My big gripe is no portraits of rival leaders...I found it tricky to remember who is who during diplomacy and espionage.


                • #9
                  I don't remember which clan I played (I think it was the one with the green flag), but I agree it CAN sort of bog down. In my view, the best way to play it is to eliminate your primary rivals early via conventional destruction. Once that's taken care of, I upgraded my leader as far as possible (certainly past the point where you can do stealth attacks), and went around assassinating the leader of each clan. Sure, it was a bit dangerous since it's game over if you lose, but as long as you have a prety good tech lead (which isn't that hard if you destroy the most successful clans first) you were pretty likely to win. I think I ended up killing off about 6-7 clans that way. (Was a lot more fun than slogging it out via conventional warfare.)
                  They don't get no stranger.
                  Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
                  "We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail." George W. Bush


                  • #10
                    heh, i remember winning by conquest using nothing but ninjas. a little cheap, i think, that a ninja target a daimo in a stack and assassinate him. granted, this was on chieftain

