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CIV: The Brazilians

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  • CIV: The Brazilians

    I’m launching my first Civ, the Brazilians, available on 1.0 version. There are some files containing all the stuffs, they are all in this forum, they have animated leaderhead for 4 different eras, civilopedia (Civ, leader and Unique Unit) and icons for Lula. You can use the Brazilians in Vanilla, PTW and C3C version, you find the necessary stuffs for this 3 versions on the files below. My UU Embraer Tucano is ready, it uses the same characteristics of Fighter airplane, just changing the costs to 60, instead 80.
    I’m not sure if the files will work how I expect, because that is my first Civ, if someone found problems, please, post. Suggestions are also welcome.
    These characteristics were defined to my Civ:

    Civ Name: The Brazilians.
    Bonuses: Religious and Agricultural (C3C) or Religious and Commercial (Vanilla and PTW).
    Title and Leader Name: Companheiro Lula.
    Favorite and Shunned Government: Republic and Feudalism (C3C) or Republic and Monarchy (Vanilla and PTW).
    Aggression Level: 4 (high).
    Culture Group: American.
    Noun: Brazilians.
    Adjective: Brazilian.
    Default and Alternative colors: Yellow (the same of the Egyptians) and Blue (the same of the Germans).
    Unique Unit: Embraer Tucano (replace Fighter, costing 60 shields, no more 80).
    Civilopedia entry: RACE_BRAZILIANS

    Military Leaders:
    Duque de Caxias
    Deodoro da Fonseca
    Floriano Peixoto
    Dom Pedro I
    Dom Pedro II
    Getúlio Vargas
    Prestes Maia

    Scientific Leaders:
    Santos Dummond
    Vital Brasil
    Herculano Florence
    Machado de Assis
    Princesa Isabel
    Fernando Henrique Cardoso
    Marques de Pombal
    Padre Roberto Landell de Moura
    Juscelino Kubitschek
    Padre Anchieta

    City Names:
    São Paulo
    Rio de Janeiro
    Belo Horizonte
    Porto Alegre
    São Luiz
    Santo André
    São Bernardo do Campo
    São José dos Campos
    Campo Grande
    João Pessoa
    Rio Branco
    Porto Velho
    Boa Vista
    Ribeirão Preto
    Presidente Prudente
    São Carlos
    São José do Rio Preto
    São Gonçalo
    Juiz de Fora
    Caxias do Sul
    Campina Grande
    Porto Seguro
    São Caetano do Sul
    São Sebastião
    Mogi das Cruzes
    Rio Claro
    Barra Bonita

    Civilopedia, the Brazilians:

    The mix of the European, African, Native American and Asiatic cultures results in the Brazilian Civilization. It has started in XV century, when the pioneer sailors coming from Portugal arrived in nowadays Brazilian territory.
    These lands were inhabitant by native Indian races, as the Tupis, Jês, Karibs and Aruaks, that were killed by the superior European armies. The survivors were slaved or get married with your new masters. First, have arrived the Portugueses, to explore the unique wood Pau-Brasil (here born the name Brazil) and plant crops, after them, arrived the French, English, Dutch, Spanish and other nations, to pirate and conquest new lands.
    Too many wars happened in this Portuguese colony, because it had natural resources and a good soil to agriculture. These wars happened between Portugal, rival nations and strikers inhabitants of colony. The economical activities had some cycles, as the wood, sugar, exotic plants, gold and cafe, they always have ruled all others activities in Brazil. In the cycle of sugar, exampling, the northeast coast, mainly area of this activities, rules all the life in colony, when the sugar fallen down and the gold cycle rises, the southeast turned its economical, political and cultural heart.
    One way used by the Portugueses to heat their economic in Brazil was the slave work. Africans were slaved in their continent, to work in the crops and mines in colony. They came mainly from nowadays Moçambique and Angola, former Portuguese colony in south of Africa. The slavery was abolished just in XIX century, creating too many chances to poor Europeans and Asiatics that dreamed with a better life. So, people from Italy, Japan, Middle East, Korea, more Portugueses, Spanish and other ones arrived in the country.
    Brazil gets its political independence in 1822, when Dom Pedro I, A PORTUGUESE PRINCE, declared Brazil and Portugal two separated kingdoms. He did that for his clan continues ruling both countries. When his father died, Dom Pedro I went back to Portugal to take over the royal seat, his son, Dom Pedro II, continued rules Brazil. The Imperator just fell down when the Republic was declared in 1894. This republican time continues today, but had stopped in two periods: to 1930 until 1945, when the popular farmer Getúlio Vargas had his bloodily dictatorship and to 1964 until 1986, when the army took over the country, supported by United States of America government, saying that URSS had a plan to invade Brazilian boarders.
    Brazil today has one of the 15th biggest PNB of the entire world and has good previsions to the future, in spite of the constant crises: agribusiness, commerce, factories and tourism grew up faster in the XX century, the biggest tax of the Occidental World, bigger then the American ones. The natural resources, as potable water, are abundance in the raining forests, attracting International interests. The worst problem of the country is the division of the generated rent, resulting in favelas (shantytowns), urban violence, landless people, starving and diseases. Because this problem and its consequences, people say that Brazil is a sleeping giant.
    The great leader of the Brazilians in Civilization 3 game is Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the Companheiro Lula (expression used by workers of industries that means "fellow"), former labor leader in the past, actual President of the country (2.003 to 2.006), elected by voting. Lula has ample popular support and fight against the bad situation of the majority population. After elected President, he starts an External Relationship plan between Brazil and other poor countries to combat together their common problems and the aggressive economical politics of the rich nations, turning a national and international stronger leader.
    In Civilizaton 3 Conquests, the Brazilians are considered Religious (the country has the biggest concentration of the Christian people around the Planet) and Agricultural (agriculture and extractives are important activities in the history of the nation). In the Vanilla and Play the World version, they are Religious and Commercial.

    Civilopedia, Embraer Tucano (UU):

    Embraer Tucano is the result of a national project started in 1978, to replace the older war airplane of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). Tucanos are building by Embraer, one of the biggest enterprises of the entire world that build commercial and militaristic airplanes. The recently versions of Tucano are the best planes that use helix ever built, they are easily to be built and have bigger sphere of action. Some countries bought this project, as England, France, Iraq, Argentina and Venezuela.

    So, I'm waiting for suggestions! I hope you enjoy this Civ!

    Embraer Tucano (Unique Unit) =

    Civ The Brazilians =
    Last edited by CivArmy s. 1994; February 28, 2004, 19:34.
    CivArmy's Civ3 and Civ4 Libraries: here

  • #2
    Pelé como lider cientifico? não me agradou.. Sugeria Gilberto Freyre, Sérgio Buarque de Holanda e é claro Oswaldo Cruz...
    Gostei da colocação do Lula.. será o nosso mais memorável cehefe de estado.. o que pra ele não deverá ser muito dificil tendo como concorrentes Getulio, Pedros, e outros crápulas...


    • #3
      More about the Brazilians

      Pelé entrou como líder científico, porque eu acho que ele é uma pessoa importante para a nação como os líderes são, como ele não podia ser um líder militar o coloquei como científico.
      Na minha próxima atualização eu colocarei com cereteza Oswaldo Cruz e o historiador Holanda, mas quem é o Freire??? Esse eu não conheço.
      Os arquivos com o Mod e com a UU estão no provedor da Apolyton, mas não nesse fórum, como eles tinham mais de 500kb cada um, tive que usar o sistema especial de upload, se alguém souber como eu posso deixar esses arquivos disponíveis nesse fórum, por favor, me avisem.

      Pelé turned a scientific leader, because I think he is a important person to all the nation, how he is not a militaristic leader, he cames a scietific one.
      My next progress will contain the name of Oswaldo Cruz and Holand as scientific leader, but I don't know this Freire, who is he?
      The mod and UU files are on Apolyton prover, but not available in this forum, they have more then 500kb, so I had to use the unique upload system, if anyone knows how I can put these files to be download here, please, post.

      Regards!!! Falow!!!

      Attached Files
      CivArmy's Civ3 and Civ4 Libraries: here


      • #4
        Colega, o gilberto freyre foi cientista social, escreveu "casa grande e senzala" reconhecido no mundo inteiro como a maior obra de identificação da civilização brasileira. essa obra viria a influenciar muitas tendências (dentre eles os pensamentos do proprio sergio buarque) com sua nova concepção do povo brasileiro, até então um povo tido como uma mistureba cultural sem gêneses. Passou se entao a considerar o povo brasileiro com sua originalidade completa.

        Gostaria ainda, de indicar um nome para líder "militar": Chico Mendes (que apesar de nunca ter recorrido as armas [poderia até tê-lo feito se fosse o caso - sua ultima alternativa], teve a capacidade de mobilizar massas mesmo que em atitude pacifista).

        é isso.. saudações.


        • #5
          Collect links to all files in the first post.
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #6
            That is quite a job, congrats.


            • #7
              Shouldn't you make the UU to be Amazon Woman?


              • #8
                Maybe in the future I'll produce some alternatives UU, a Amazon Woman will be a good idea, but not to Brazilian civ, but to Tupi civ (Native Indians from South America).
                If u wanna check my Tupi civ project, it is available in this same forum.
                CivArmy's Civ3 and Civ4 Libraries: here

