or am I just dreaming?
Recently, I was presented a "renegiated deal" (I have 'always renegotiate deals" turned on') by Queen Elizabeth. I had been supplying saltpeter to the Brits for quite some time. In the first dialog box, England offers 35/gpt for Saltpeter. Being the saavy negotiater I am, and knowing that my Foreign Secretary must have inside information on all my opponents (how does he know what deal they will accept and what deal they won't???) I rejected the offer and went into the screen to pick different terms.
I tried 40/gpt for saltpeter. Foreign secretary says, no way.
I tried 36/gpt for saltpeter. Again, my guy says they won't take it.
I settle for 35/gpt for saltpeter. WHAT?!?!? They won't take that now? Since when?
I tried 30/gpt...
then 20/gpt...
1/gpt??? You Brits won't even take that now????
What could possibly have changed from the initial offer, made by Lizzie herself, to my counteroffers? I mean, if this is intended, that's great. I remember reading in another thread that someone likened deal making with the AI as "negotiating with your Foreign Secretary". I can't remember "missing the golden opportunity" within one encouter. This is how it should be - not a tedious exercise to determine what the AI will accept to the last gold piece.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
Recently, I was presented a "renegiated deal" (I have 'always renegotiate deals" turned on') by Queen Elizabeth. I had been supplying saltpeter to the Brits for quite some time. In the first dialog box, England offers 35/gpt for Saltpeter. Being the saavy negotiater I am, and knowing that my Foreign Secretary must have inside information on all my opponents (how does he know what deal they will accept and what deal they won't???) I rejected the offer and went into the screen to pick different terms.
I tried 40/gpt for saltpeter. Foreign secretary says, no way.
I tried 36/gpt for saltpeter. Again, my guy says they won't take it.
I settle for 35/gpt for saltpeter. WHAT?!?!? They won't take that now? Since when?
I tried 30/gpt...
then 20/gpt...
1/gpt??? You Brits won't even take that now????
What could possibly have changed from the initial offer, made by Lizzie herself, to my counteroffers? I mean, if this is intended, that's great. I remember reading in another thread that someone likened deal making with the AI as "negotiating with your Foreign Secretary". I can't remember "missing the golden opportunity" within one encouter. This is how it should be - not a tedious exercise to determine what the AI will accept to the last gold piece.
Can anyone shed some light on this?