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Help With Adding Resources

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  • Help With Adding Resources

    Can you someone help me with adding new resources? I replaced the resources file already but I'm stuck now.

  • #2
    Use the editor to add the resources.
    Get 84 Resources, 96 Resources, or the NEW 153 Resources! Get Rockier Bonus Grassland versions1.0 or 2.0! Get My Mix of Snoopy and Womocks early terrain! Get Varied Goody Huts!
    Upcoming Mods - Optimator (with over 1000 new units!!!) & Godzilla, Revenge of the Kaiju!
    I am in dire need of new dino and Kaiju units!


    • #3
      What rysta is after is how to create new resources, for example tin or steroids, to add to the game's resource palette.

      This post also faked me out when I first read it in the Civ3>Help area...

      - bvc


      • #4
        Well, this is one thing I CAN help with.

        There are a number of steps to take to successfully adding resources:

        (1) Add the resource in the editor, rules/edit resources. Here you choose whether it is a strategic/luxury/bonus resource, whether it should appear at a certain age; what bonuses it should give in food/shields/commerce; the entry in the Civilopaedia.

        (2) Select which terrains it should appear on by using the editor, rules/edit terrain. Don't forget to use the CONTROL key when you add it to a terrain. If you don't you risk losing all the other resouces already selected for that terrain. (It uses the same rules as selecting files in Windows Explorer).

        (3) Next you need to consider the graphics:
        (a) There should be a small and a large graphic in .pcx format (check out the existing ones to see how it is done and the correct size/format) placed in Art/Civilopedia/Icons/Resources. These are for the Civilopedia entries.
        (b) You need to add a graphic to the Resources.pcx file. This is what will appear on the map in the game. Once you have done this you can go back to edit rules/resources and choose the correct icon to display.
        (c) In the case of luxury tradeable items only you also need to add a scaled down version of the icon to art/city screens/luxuryicons_small.pcx. This is for the little icons with the cheesy happy faces on the city view screen. Not necessary for strategic resources.

        (NB lots of good resource pix in the downloads section but you need both a resources.ocs and something like Harlen's large and small icons)

        (4) Text files: enter the requisite entries to text/pedialcons.txt (copy existing entries, substituting your large and small icon names)

        Let your imagination rip with an entry in the Civilopedia file. Copy the existing format for resources, and if you are a perfectionist don't forget to add your new resources to the list further up of the file of strategic/luxury/bonus resources.

        Two Notes of caution: I am using CONQUESTS which from this forum I understand may have changed a few of the modding rules.

        I have not yet demystified the luxuryicons_small file. I do not know how the game chooses your new icons for the new resouces. I keep getting it wrong.

        Hope this helps. Happy modding.
        Last edited by PaulWilliams; March 3, 2004, 12:35.

