Last night’s game: Because I was always well in the hunt for wonders, I waited until I was a few turns from Motorized Transportation to switch from Republic to Democracy. When I did I got nine turns of anarchy.
First off, I can never remember it lasting more than 7 (but I’ve never made a gov’t switch that late with a non-Religious civ.). Is this a change in C3C, or has it always been variable? If so, what determines those variables? Empire size?
It is definitely a strong incentive to play a religious civ. There’s no way in the world I would switch govs more than twice without one.

First off, I can never remember it lasting more than 7 (but I’ve never made a gov’t switch that late with a non-Religious civ.). Is this a change in C3C, or has it always been variable? If so, what determines those variables? Empire size?
It is definitely a strong incentive to play a religious civ. There’s no way in the world I would switch govs more than twice without one.