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Favorite Era of Warfare

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  • #31
    I find myself most fond of mid-late ancient warfare, mostly for unit diversity, and a near 1:1 of offense/defense. My next most favorite is early industrial: you have cavalry, but riflemen have come about, and you're scrambling to build railroads to help your building and warring efforts, but you don't have a fullly-RRed empire right away. Tech choices are very important both for warmongers and builders... I find myself really scrambling to use up my cavalry to their fullest before the computer has replacable parts everywhere, because tanks are so far off. This is the one part of the game where defense is actually higher than offense, even before defensive modifiers.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Arrian
      My style is still in flux, especially since I've finally moved up to Emperor and am still adjusting to that.

      I was gonna say late Ancient to early Middle, but...

      Lemme come at it from the opposite direction.

      I hate slogs.

      Gimme an opportunity to use 'maneuver warfare' such as it is in Civ3, to at least position troops for a fun attack. I hate that Industrial Era period when it's Cavs and Rifles, the followed by Cavs and Infantry and Arty.

      Ah, that's not true, either... I've had a number of 'come-backs' just like that.

      This is a dumb post... I like everything, and am still learning about how much fun can be had with Modern toys.
      The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

      Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


      • #33
        Very difficult question. Depends a lot on map and civ. But playing as the Germans, I would say the time I have some Panzers ready are my definitive favourite. Get'em into an army and you'll get a ÃœberPanzer unit ready to take down Infantry-defended capitals.


        • #34

          Surprisingly Panzer armies are not that strong. They are too vulnerable to counter attack. These are Panzers and not Panthers. Also their life is too short before MA armies come into the scene. If you are using panzer armies, be sure to have mechs for defense.



          • #35
            Modern. It gives me the most options to get out at my enemy and the AI finally has some units to give it some backbone.
            * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
            * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
            * The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
            * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.


            • #36
              i think ancient, medieval and industrial age warfare are all great, its modern warfare, on those rare occasions where it reaches that point, that seem to require the most planning and time and for some reason the most fun, probably because of all the different units used


              • #37
                Originally posted by planetfall

                Surprisingly Panzer armies are not that strong. They are too vulnerable to counter attack. These are Panzers and not Panthers. Also their life is too short before MA armies come into the scene. If you are using panzer armies, be sure to have mechs for defense.

                I was writing faster than I was thinking! I was thinking of the movement; Panzers have 3 and inside and army they get 4. That's a killer able to strike cities with a wide border from the outside. A movement of 3 (tanks in army) is often not enough to reach the core cities, but a 4-moving unit can often do the job


                • #38
                  Surprisingly Panzer armies are not that strong. They are too vulnerable to counter attack.
                  The defensive advantage of panzers is that you can attack and then withdraw to the protection of your infantry stack!
                  ... But you have to choose to do so, or even their (gasp!) cavalry may eat you up.

                  Yes, panzers or tanks can be quite vulnerable if left out in the open. Especially if the AI has not already expended all its offensive units.


                  • #39
                    I'd like to be able to provide a reasoned answer to this interesting question. Sadly though, my favourite warfare era usually depends on when I get my buildings finished! I'm really trying to change, honestly, but it's tough!!!!!
                    So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
                    Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

                    Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


                    • #40
                      is that right old chap
                      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                      I am of the Horde.


                      • #41
                        I'd say modern, only because of the wide selection of units, and hence more strategy.

                        But I find I don't do much modern warfare. I'm usually tired of the game at that point, and just want to get it overwith.


                        • #42
                          I absolutely love modern warfare, which for me also encompasses the late industrial. I've yet to find an age in which I don't like warfare, though.
                          Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


                          • #43
                            Modern Armour is great

                            Although I do enjoy a good horde of Cavalry running amuk in foreign lands
                            Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                            I am of the Horde.


                            • #44
                              although I might have to say my favourite era is the era in which MY UU resides. That's what I get the most joy out of. In my last game that happened to be in the medieval age.


                              • #45
                                Forgetting about a UU for a minute, modern warfare, I love laying waste to an enemy CIV with massive Arty barrages and wave upon wave of airpower. In MP I usually go for an ancient age UU so it would be the ancient age.
                                *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta

