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Is Feaudilism useless?

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  • #16
    16 minutes apart?


    • #17
      Fascism is a great form of government people! You should just tech race it and Steam power, then start working your way to Replaceable Parts. This can really speed up your railroad building projects.

      It is only good for peace time terrain improvement, and for the novelty of being Italian or German fascists
      New American UU: Al Gore-Eliminates pollution and you get "The Internet" great wonder instantly.

      New Hittite MGL: Howard Dean(listen to what their UU sounds like when it attacks)


      • #18
        DrSpike: Yep, witness my amazing powers of lag!


        • #19
          As near as I can tell, Feudalism is primarly for a non-agricultral civ that started with very few cities with a natural aquaduct.

          To a lesser extent Commerical, Industrious, and Seafaring have attributes have bonsus for pop 7+ cities that would work against Feudalism.

          When your going for Feudalism as a non-Religious civ, you should skip all optional techs.

          The one step better in corruption is actually twince as large a step than the other non-communism / non-anarchy corruption levels. Fedualism also elimates the tile penalty, so it functions a lot like a Monarchy with inverted unit support costs.

          Yes, there's some WW, but it's the same low level as Republic. Very managable particlarly if the other civ declared war on you.
          1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
          Templar Science Minister
          AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


          • #20
            I've never tried it but think it's more usefull at the higher difficulty levels.


            • #21
              I hated it. I was having problems with war weariness in republic, so I switched to feudalism. No effect on war weariness . I was too far from communism or fasicm


              • #22
                It has the same WW effect as Republic. The difference is unit support which depends on whether you have at least half your towns/cities are <7 and you want/need a large army. If so then Feudalism, if not then Republic.
                Never give an AI an even break.


                • #23
                  I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

                  (Lots of small corrupt towns & high town free unit support & no tile penalty & reasonable military police & forced labour) => forced labour from unproductive corrupt towns producing lots of units (due to extra food above despotism) which are supported for free which keep the towns content via police. Those lots of units take more cities and land to make more towns and lots of free units. Rinse and repeat, it gets easier as you go. Unit support of 1 or lack of war weariness would make this government to powerful to entrench a powerful civ for a run away win in the middle ages.

                  Admitedly, I drop unit support to 2, but I know anything less would make feudilism too powerful.


                  • #24
                    Looks like a Rel/Mil trait would be ideal for feudalism. Build lots of barracks and units and a few temples. Switch to Feudalism asap. Wage war, deal with WW using cheap pop rushed temples and police. Starve and pop rush new cities down to a managable level. Get lotsa MGLs and armies.

                    Of course you'd also want your UU and GA to come not long after switching gov'ts.

                    Feudal Japan anyone?


                    • #25
                      Too bad Feudalism wasn't around in PtW. It would lend itself very well to the MGL farming required to insta-build all wonders from Sun Tzu until the end of the space-race.

                      And militaristic isn't all that great. Feudalism _really_ lends itself to a Sun Tzu-focus. And unless you are on Deity-Sid you can probably get Sun Tzu if you really work on it. Prebuild, wild trading etc etc.

                      Scientific/religious is a good combo to be pretty sure to get Sun Tzu, even if you don't get the right tech you atleast got a tech to base trades on to get the right tech, in case another Scientific civ got it. (Or cook your opponents so you have no Sci adversaries.)


                      • #26
                        I usually play with Japan or the Arabs. I build tons of little temporary towns and pump out UUs/workers/settlers. Samurai isn't that great of a UU but the Arab's Ansar Warrior I really like. I kind of steam roll over the AI civs. I build new towns in newly conquered areas and disband old far away from the front towns as I go. It is a great strategy.

                        Hmmm....I keep my unit cost at 3 because I almost never reach the unit support limit. I am thinking about removing war weariness for feudalism, I think that would be fair considering feudalism's disadvantages.

                        The thing with Sun Tzu is by the time Sun Tzu comes along I already have plenty of barracks so I'm not sure how usefull that would be for me. I just can't afford to wait for Sun Tzu before getting a lot of barracks built.


                        • #27
                          good when religious and/or lacking freshwater

                          definitely a good inclusion

                          Jon Miller
                          Jon Miller-
                          I AM.CANADIAN
                          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                          • #28
                            Yep, Japanese feudalism has become my most recent favorite tactic.

                            I personally love the Samurai, though, and wind up with a complete military of them and few if any defensive units. Not to mention what the new armies filled with them can do. I find myself regularly having 3-4 Armies of Samurai and continue to drive them forward.

                            Letting the core cities grow to 12 while purposely building size 1-3 little camps to deal with the unit limit has been quite effective. If the game is around long enough, I usually jump right to Communism from Feudal and continue the military dominance.

                            WW is laughable with the ability to use police + oscillating wars, there's no need to remove it IMO.
                            One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                            You're wierd. - Krill

                            An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                            • #29
                              My exact strategy too UnOrthOdOx, it's good to see others are finding it working.

                              The only diffrence in my strategy is I prefer the Ansar Warriors to the samurai. Ansar warriors with 3 movement and ten less shield cost really work well. I find my military consisting almost entirely of Ansar warriors/workers and various ancient age units scattered around that I use for police.

                              Sometimes I'll go from feudalism to communism other times if I've sufficiently crippled the civs around me I'll switch to democracy and stop warmongering for a while.

