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Copying existing scenario rules crash

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  • Copying existing scenario rules crash

    Here is a quick question about crashes from a newbie....

    I wanted to use existing rules from a Conquests scenario on a new map (The Age of Discovery treasure-hunting scenario).

    So I: loaded the original scenario from the disk in the editor;
    generated a new map;
    saved as my own scenario.

    Put in some capitals and units for the various civs.

    But it crashes without any message. The rules seen OK with a reference to the correct folder for art etc.

    Anyone any idea where to look for the solution?

    Sorry - I know this must seem a real cheat to you super-modders but it is just a start for me ...


  • #2
    Poss answer

    Hmmm.... No suggestions from the wizards.

    Perhaps the answer is that I kept the Editor open while trying to run Conquests. And having a WordPad document open doesn't help either,


    • #3
      Odd... if the reference to the scen folder for art etc. is fine I don't know why it would crash. Closing the editor might help, yes; I've occassionally maxed out my comp by running the editor and civ at the same time. I don't see why wordpad would be a problem though.


      • #4
        Re: Copying existing scenario rules crash

        PaulWilliams reported:
        I loaded the original scenario from the disk in the editor;
        generated a new map; saved as my own scenario.
        But it crashes without any message.
        If your saved scenario is located in your ...\Conquests\Scenarios\ folder, then when you run the scenario C3C will not find all of the reference files it needs, because it fails to find the path to the
        ...\Conquests\Conquests\Age of Discovery\ folder.

        If so, a way to remedy this is to make a copy of the
        ...\Conquests\Conquests\Age of Discovery\
        folder and put it in your

        I've play-tested several cloned Conquests wherein the scenario editor used this method to get around the problem with C3C path-blindness.

        Hope this helps! - bvc

