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looking for suggestions

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  • looking for suggestions

    I guess this could be regarded as off-topic, but since civ3conquests has been my most recent favorite game, I'm thinking that it is on topic. So no flames please.

    I'm a long time TBS gamer, favorites are Civ, MooI/II, Homm, SMAC, Strategic Command, Imp II, etc. I've most recently been playing a lot of Civ Conquests, EU2, and Strategic Command, and am looking for a change.

    I have played a little of Dom2, MOOIII, Railroad Tycoon III, HOI, Victoria, Korsun Pocket, AOWII, GAlCiv, RON, and WBC2, and HommIII/WOG and HommIV/Equilibris, but none of these have really grabbed me. I'm now willing to put a little time (say 5-10 hours) into learning one or more of these games. Which would you recommend and why?

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    I am a huge fan of HommIII. BTW they have a forum for games if you want more exposure.


    • #3
      Yah, I'd probably vote for HOMMIII, too.

      "I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes. "


      • #4
        whats homm3?


        • #5
          Originally posted by MattPilot
          whats homm3?
          Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (though I've never played any in the series I've heard of it before).


          • #6
            HOMMIII is one of my all time favorite games, It´s been a long time since I´ve played it though
            You saw what you wanted
            You took what you saw
            We know how you did it
            Your method equals wipe out


            • #7
              Two games I have enjoyed no end: Cossaks: European Wars (and the addons) and Sudden Strike (and addons) from CDV.
              They are both over two years old, but I still do play them from time to time, I think they're awesome. Try http://www.cdv.deCDV for further info.


              • #8
                Fatwreck you can DL lots of maps from the net. I fire up a game every now and then. I even played all of the Chronicles.


                • #9
                  yeah I know there are lots of great fan sites. The problem now is that I took out my cd and it´s really scratched
                  You saw what you wanted
                  You took what you saw
                  We know how you did it
                  Your method equals wipe out


                  • #10
                    That's a long list Paplan, with plenty of good games. I'll vote for RT3.

