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time between turns

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  • time between turns

    Is there anything that can be done to speed up the time inbetween turns...

    I'm playing on a huge map with quite a few AI opponents.

    My machine is 1.8 Mhz, 256 ram, fairly decent video card, (128MB Ge-force whater -- i think...)

    I'm at the point where I can go get something to eat inbetween turns...


  • #2
    Buy more RAM, better CPU, etc...

    Other than that, try playing on smaller maps with fewer opponents and less water. The most problematic thing is the recalculation of trade routes and the most critical moments are: AI capturing a city, anybody building a harbour, anybody building an airport, AI building a road and AI pillaging a road.


    • #3
      Also take a look at this

      Previous thread on the same issue


      • #4
        It will get very long with 24-31 civs on a huge map. The more harbors/airports and roads to check the worse.

        Kill of some civs will help. The ram is not a big factor after about 400mb. I only see it use about 3xxmb even on a 1gb system.
        Video card will not natter.
        Cpu is a big one as I played the same turns on my 1.7gh and then on my 3.066gh and the times were about double. Even on the 3gh it got out to about 25 mins on some of the turns with lots of fighting late in the game.


        • #5
          that's insane

          That's insane!

          Someone needs to develop a fix for this!!!!

          I'm no programmer, but, I'm guessing all it's doing is number crunching and if/then statements inbetween turns! Jesus, it's like it's running on punchcards or something...


          • #6
            True, but the permutations on routes for 20-30 civs and 400-500 cities is quite large. You need to check that all deals are still valid.

            Then if a war is going (and it usually will be) and they have hundreds of units for each civ, well you get the picture.


            • #7
              If you have animation on, use cap lock to speed up non-combat unit movement. Helps a little...not much...but a little.
              "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003

