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What constitues a Wonder victory?

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  • What constitues a Wonder victory?

    And is it bugged in Conquests 1.00?

    I just finished an enjoyable (at the time) game as the Koreans, I had decided to go for the Space race, had a significant tech lead (about 1/2 an age, I'd say, maybe more), and was building the Wonders as they came up.

    On the turn that I built either the Longevity or Cure for Cancer Wonder, the game ended with a "Humiliating Defeat", due to being out-Wondered. I was a little confused, since no other nation had built a Wonder since Leonardo's Workshop.

    When I got to the score screen, I saw that the limit for a Wonder Victory was apparently 29 Wonders, I had 19, and my opponents (6 still alive) had 9. Soo, that didn't total 29, and, even if it did, I was up more than 2:1!!!

    Any ideas what went wrong? Or is this a known issue with Conquests?

    < eagerly awaiting the official 1.15 patch >

  • #2
    Wonder victories aren't really a victory condition so much as a game ending condition.

    When it triggers it looks at the score and declares a winner.

    Why it triggered early is a mystery.
    Seemingly Benign
    Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


    • #3
      What was the date? Was it 2050AD?
      Did anyone else have 20K culture in one city?
      Was a UN vote held?


      • #4
        I had that happen also. I had built 20 of the 29 wonders, and my opponents had 8. The French had a slim lead on tie-breaker score. As soon as I built the 29th wonder (longevity) ... bam! ... a humiliating defeat. That really ticked me off, as I had decided to do the space-race thing, and was only three components away, and had only built Longevity to rapidly increase the size of newly-captured cities (after first starving them down)

        So I went back to a previously saved position, switched production from Longevity to ICBM (yeah I lost a bunch of shields in the process, oh well) and blasted France back to the stone age. I was then happily on my way to space, when the French built Longevity with one of their cities which I had graciuosly left untouched. But I had sufficiently reduced their score and raised mine, and so I was granted a victory. (I forget the classification, but it was high.) Why would the AI build that wonder, knowing that doing so would give me the victory???

        It seems that, unlike the "Wonder" scenario where the object is to build the wonders, in a normal campaign game, there really is no "wonder" victory condition - it's just a game-ender, let's look at the tie-breaker situation. I guess the only way to avoid this in the future is to not allow a wonder "victory".
        The (self-proclaimed) King of Parenthetical Comments.


        • #5
          Re: What constitues a Wonder victory?

          burbel offered:
          On the turn that I built either the Longevity or Cure for Cancer Wonder, the game ended... When I got to the score screen, I saw that the limit for a Wonder Victory was apparently 29 Wonders, I had 19, and my opponents (6 still alive) had 9.
          I'm wondering - Did your count of 19 Wonders include your final wonder? It wouldn't shock me if the game determined that there were 29 Wonders in the game at the time that your city completed the Wonder, but if your turn was not completed - i.e. still going through the city pop-ups when it terminated the game - it may not have correctly attributed/displayed the final Wonder as belonging to your Civ.
          Just speculating... bvc


          • #6
            Just to expand what Warpstorm already said:

            "Wonder Victory" isn't counting the # of wonders each Civ owns, it just defines the turn the game ends - not 2050AD, but the very turn the last wonder is built (if that happens before!) - and the score leader is declared winner.

            A rather odd concept on first sight, but it makes sense for the Mesopotamia Scenario (only).

            It isn't part of the default rules, not surprisingly, and also, you shouldn't rely on it: If a Wonder isn't available (no Ivory, no river), the victory conditions can never be met.

