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Glossary and abbreviations in Civ3 (incl. C3C)

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  • Glossary and abbreviations in Civ3 (incl. C3C)

    Here is it! The newest and updated compendium.
    Let me know your comments and serious suggestions and I will update it regularly.

    Happy civing!

    Game concepts:

    AAR - After Action Report
    AI – Artificial intelligence. The “brains” behind rival civs
    AP – Accellerated Production. The number of shields, gold and commerce is doubled
    AU - 'Apolyton University'
    AV – Attack Value
    CC – Cultural Conversion. Culturally weak cities might defect to a culturally stronger neighbour
    DV – Defense Value
    CtP2 - Call to Power 2
    C3C – Civ3 Conquest
    FP – Forbidden Palace
    GA - Golden Age
    GW – Great Wonder. ‘A dramatic, awe-inspiring accomplishment’
    Hotseat = Playing with two or more persons on one computer
    HP – Hit Points
    MP – Multi-player
    PBEM = Play by email
    SMAC – Sid Meier’s Alpha Centuri. Space-based relative of the Civ series
    UU – Unique Unit. Each Civ has one. (Greeks & Hoplite, etc.)
    Vanilla Civ – The lighly-flavored original Civ
    WLTKD - We Love The King Day. Also WLT*D where * is a variable for whatever your culture's Title of preference. Happens when the majority of the citizens of the city are happy. the amount of waste in your wkld's cities is reduced.
    WW – War Weariness
    XP = Expansion Pack

    Game strategies and playing styles:

    Arrian’s Deception - Named after the famed Arrian who first reported such a tactic in the strategy forum (though it may have been known before him, he will always be credited with the Apolyton incarnation) which goes like this:
    You can mistreat (i.e. break ROPs, gpt deals, luxury deals, declare war often, and anything else that hurts your rep) an AI and not have it affect your reputation or the attitude of the other AIs if you wipe out the AI you mistreat before that AI makes contact with the other AIs.
    Any AI that made contact with the AI you mistreated will pass on their knowledge to other AIs.
    The best use for the Arrian’s deception is to wipe out your entire continent before they make contact with the AIs on the other continent.

    BRAT - Beating up right after treaty

    Client-State – A nearby civ that you have made war on in the early game and completely stifled his growth. The civ is now a smallish, backwater state. Not technologically advanced at all and the perfect customer for your older, unwanted resources (horses and saltpetre specifically, and any runoff luxury items that you can’t trade more profitably to a larger civ). These guys start off being furious with you (because you attacked them early on), but with care and attention, you can change their minds. These are the civs you can carefully groom, nurture and grow into viable junior partners for yourself (perhaps even allowing them to “graduate” at some point by catching them up in tech—assuming you have found another civ to dump your horses and saltpetre on!). These are the real gems of the late game…sturdy, reliable allies you can count on when it’s down to you and a couple of other big sharks in the water. (Borrowed from Vel’s Strategy thread.)

    DMS - Doggedly Massacring Settlers. A tactic of creeping up to enemy settlers, waiting for them to build a city and taking it immediately (whether conquering it, or bringing in your settler instead).

    5CC – Five City Challenge Win the game while limiting yourself to five cities

    Infinite/Incremental City Sprawl - ICS is where cities are founded very close together. ICS has a variety of translations, from the one you got above thru "Infinite City Strategy" to "Infinite City Sleaze." The translation varies with your style of gaming.
    In Civ I, it was possible to build cities right next to each other. Because of the free road/railroad, and the free extra square of production, one strategy was to connect big cities with small cities of size 1, which pumped out settlers. Settlers were then pushed out, building more 1-unit cities, which built more settlers etc.

    The strategy was so effective that abutting cities were not allowed in CivII. However, ICS lived on, as setting up a rolling wave of junk cities was still resource effective. The additional incentive was the ability of small cities to act as "home cities" for military units, spreading around the unhappiness burden. Large cities made big bad killer units, and then small cities would host 1. Improvements in the AI, the lessons of the OCC and better improvements made ICS a powerful, but not overwhelming choice.

    In various multiplayer games that followed however, against other humans, ICS proved over and over again to be a lethal strategy. It was low maintenance, unlike many other strategies, there were fewer chances for one mistake to kill your game, and it was effective against a variety of other strategies. In the end it became pretty clear that ICS could easily take over a game, and the most effective solution was to have an agreement among other players to immediately go after anyone who employed it, or even looked like they might be getting ready to employ it. In a sense, ICS was the default strategy of the MP games, and only concerted action would stop it. The best defense against ICS other than concerted action was ICS. But, since many people liked playing other strategies than ICS, it was usually pretty easy to get people to simply stomp the first "virus" society to show up.

    Enter the first release of CivIII with its flog hack of pop-rushing, and for a while ICS was back with a vengeance. Everything the Civ team had done to butt **** big city strategies, and there is no other term for it - such resource problems, worse corruption, harder unhappiness, more aggressive AI civs, less effective research for players than for AIs - made ICS ever more attractive. The new crocks didn't make it any harder to build a city and did not make it much harder to keep it happy enough to produce. ICS didn't care about corruption, since all builds were made with food. ICS didn't care about how hard it was to keep big cities happy, since all cities were death camps anyway, pushing out an endless flow of military units to crush other civs. In fact, the ability of a few squares to supply a whole civilization made it more attractive, since there was no drain on the economy. Rush builds of culture items held back the AI's attempts to Borg your society.

    ICS allowed you to control important resources, and hold enough space so that new resources would be in your territory when they appeared. In other words, building ones civilization on bones was an end run around all the crocks. Each crock made the end run more attractive.

    The new patch weakens ICS a bit, but on the top levels, it is just about the only strategy that works reliably. Your cities are garbage anyway; it will be ages before you can do anything about it anyway. Maybe you will get luck and find in enough Lux squares, but generally the AI knows where they are and sends unsinkable galleys right to them. So why not go with the flow and just have garbage cities with military defenders?

    The recent patch is like a late Beta of a working game; the first release was like an Alpha. ICS is a good maker of how well play tested a civ version was. It is an obvious, easy strategy, like "imp" from core wars that crushes more elegant and complex strategies. If it works too well, then the version hasn't been well thought out.

    KAI - Killer AI civs. One of the tangential goals of the AU Mod, to develop very challenging SP opponents.

    Metagame – intentionally doing what the other guy wasn't. See Vel’s description on this page

    MPP – Mutual Protection Pact. A mutual defense deal struck with rival civs in diplomacy. Available mid-game.

    NCC – No City Challenge. You pop military units from huts, build no cities and destroy other civs’s cities.

    OCC – One City Challenge. Win the game while limiting yourself to one city.
    Largely a creature of Civ2, the One City Challenge began as a strategy inside an empire building thread - building a "Science City" Col,KO,SINC and ST - it would grow large, produce much trade, and much science. This evolved into the "One City Strategy". Because Civ2 was essentially a game won by reaching certain unbalancing technologies first, one way to win was just to get to Robotics, and then begin a campaign to conquer the world. The One City Strategy was to stay at one city - surrounded by 4 special squares - until well into the modern age. Then, begin an aggressive war of conquest that would put the entire world under your boot.

    What was realized not long there afterward was that with aggressive use of progressive building, it was possible to win the game with one city. That's right, build the starship and win. Hence the OCC was born, along with a few additional rules to make it more of a challenge. Maps were created to bring out different variations on it, until the "concentric mountains" map showed that, even without contact from anyone else, one could finish the starship by 1932 AD against almost any defense by the AI.

    But the lessons of the OCC had a ripple effect - they helped large city strategists of all kinds against the AI. Progressive building, trade tactics and wonder selection gave alternatives to the tried and true - get crusaders, crush one enemy, get frigates, crush two more enemies, get artillery crush one more enemy, get robotics and kill the rest - pattern, the pattern of the "Roman" strategy of many mid sized cities with a bargain basement economy.

    Oscillating War - Intentionally NOT focusing on a single civ to that civ’s destruction. Instead, fighting a series of “pruning” wars, taking each civ near you down a notch, one at a time. The end result is that you get big at everyone’s expense, everyone gets correspondingly smaller, and thus, easier to control (if you focus on just 1-2 civs and beat them down, sure, you’ll wipe them out, but while you’re busy with that, the civ you haven’t been messing with is building up his position….better to hit them all incrementally!) (Borrowed from Vel’s Strategy thread.)

    Paired City Strategy - Using a "worker factory" in conjunction with 1 or 2 "unit factories"
    Pruning - Attacking a Civ not to destroy, but merely to weaken. You grow at his expense. (Borrowed from Vel’s Strategy thread.)

    Perfect Peacenik strategy - You win the game if you never went to war (including provoked and/or attacked).

    Ralphing - Named after the famed Sir Ralph who created a pattern (see fig) of city placement, which contains a very tight city spacing where cities called camps are placed in-between an "optimal city placement" scheme. The camps will be disbanded in the later stages of the game once the "permanent" cities grow in size and are able to use more land.

    o . . . . o . . . . o . . . .
    . . c . . . . c . . . . c . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    c . . . . c . . . . c . . . .
    . . o . . . . O . . . . o . .
    . . . . c . . . . c . . . . c
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . c . . . . c . . . . c . .
    . . . . o . . . . o . . . . o

    O = permanent city
    C = temporary city or camp which will be disbanded later.

    REX – Rapid Expansion. A style of settlement in early stages designed to grab territory quickly. Grab cities at the far reaches of your first planned empire and back fill. In Latin it means "king"....

    Rolling Invasion - Tactics for using the capture of a city to strengthen the attacker.

    Of the tactics of Civ2 of the changes to CivIII have changed the way attackers have had to exploit captured cities. In CivII rolling invasion was fairly straight forward: move over his own road network, make sure the actual unit entering the city was badly damaged, so it would be fully repaired, assign this unit to the new city as "home" to shift the burden of upkeep. Sell off at least one useless improvement. Set entertainers to keep the city from being in disorder the next turn, and disband a cheap unit, then, use gold to build a new high powered unit - if short on gold, and able to wait two turns, using a progressive build strategy (buying a cheaper unit completely, then switching production to a more expensive unit and allowing the city to finish it in 1 turn with its own production). Another "rolling invasion" tactic was selectively buying cities with spies that were loaded with his best military units - a battleship or bomber being the prize of prizes. Rolling Invasion doctrine stated that one should put a spy in the captured city to prevent reversion, especially a purchased city since the former owner had one turn to retake it at 1/2 cost. It stated that one should move ones own forces in to a captured enemy barrack city and have 2 "lines" of attacking units. A line would attack one turn, move to be repaired the second turn, and then wake up refreshed the next turn to be ready to attack.

    In Civ2 captured cities were basically part of your empire with 2 turns.

    Other aspects of rolling invasion were the use of plundered gold to finance the attack - something even the AI was capable of doing, and was even expected in the WWII scenario - and instantly making use of captured wonders in ones own civilization. The classic example of this last is selling off cathedrals after getting Michelangelo, or granaries when getting the Pyramids.

    The net effect of "rolling invasion" was that late on in the game, once one could crack the outer defenses of a large AI empire, the empire would implode quickly - the attacker would be gaining gold, the defender losing it, the attack would be spreading the burden of his military out, the defender contracting, losing defensive units not stationed in the city as well as the dead defenders, the attack would have a greater and greater thrust towards the enemy capital, which would be the target of the drive. Within 3 turns, most AI empires would succumb to rolling invasion. Similarly taking one AI empire in a rolling invasion would generally mean that within 5 turns, it was almost as integrated into your empire as cities that had been yours for generations.

    It is very clear that the designers of CivIII wanted to get rid of rolling invasion at almost all cost. Rolling Invasion was part of what made Civ2 a game of "get to unbalancing tech, attack for all it is worth, wait" game, and reduced the number of strategies available, since it still all boiled down to who got Crusaders, Frigates, Battleships, and the modern war package: Artillery/Engineers/Espionage/Tanks and finally Howitzers.

    The new rules on population loyalty - where former members of a city remember who they were - and on long term unhappiness, particularly when the former masters applied the whip liberally - and on road use change the way one views a captured city change all of this. While the game itself seems not to have stabilized - 1.17 is essentially a different game than the original Civ3, and it still doesn't work the way the programmers envisioned it, in that there is really only one strategy that works, albeit with a larger choice of how that strategy works - the outlines of Civ3 rolling invasion are becoming clear.

    The problem with the original release was that pop-rushing was broken - one could capture a city, even a rather trashed one, and simply liquidate its population for military units. Instead of providing one repaired unit, one new unit next turn, and shifting upkeep for one unit - which saved either gold or shields, many captured enemy cities could provide 5 or six top quality front line units instantly. With no home city problems, there was no incentive not to do it, and with the amount of rebuilding that a bombardment required, there wasn't anything left to save anyway. Send in fresh settlers, scatter the inhabitants to the four winds to be conscripted or fed to the factories.

    Another first release of CivIII rolling invasion tactic was to sell the city back in return for technology or peace. Again, with the new AI philosophy of "there are only two players, the AI and the human, and the AI controls all the other civs" this is less effective in a warlike situation.

    With the new pop-rushing rules, this is less effective, but still a workable way to run a rolling invasion. Another viable tactic is to keep the shell of a city - one unit - and pop rush into it, disbanding it next turn.

    But the most viable rolling invasion tactic left is new to CivIII - cultural imperialism. A city converts, and then the new owner goes to great lengths to make it a powerful cultural centre, often going so far as to relocate his capital to improve cultural pull, and quickly building culture improvements in it. I have had games where a single defection allowed a tendril into the AI civ, and his heavily guarded border cities were then surrounded by unmilitarized converted cities, which then had military poured into them.

    In brief - rolling invasion is what wins the game, the Civ designers have basically disallowed the old rolling invasion, but did not realize that that had left an opening. This opening now closed, new rolling invasion tactics are being developed.

    ROP – Right of Passage agreement. Agree to let rival civ wander in your territory without repercussion and visa versa.

    Rush building units - Despotic and Communist governments sacrifice the lives of their citizens (or at least they desert the city) to finish projects quickly. Democracies and Republics must pay cash.

    SSC - Super Science City. A high producing city with two or three of the following: Colossus, Copernicus' Observatory, Newton's University.

    Turtle – Build your civ to a point, and then focus on passively building.

    Unit Factory (Military Camp) - city dedicated to pop-rushing military units, later disbanded by building a settler

    Vassal-State - A nearby civ that you beat up on in the early game to force them to give up techs and money. Commonly employed to achieve tech parity on Monarch and above. (You can safely assume that these guys will be none too fond of you up until the day you decide to end their lives! These guys are your punching bags!) (Borrowed from Vel’s Strategy thread.)

    Worker Factory (Size 6 Strategy) - city with fresh water access and a granary, uses the doubling of the food box at size 6 to 7 to build a worker every turn. This is not possible anymore. It was nice as long as it lasted.

    Zenning - If the ring of "core" cities is too far away, you are wasting too many tiles in that regard especially considering the odds of them getting rivers is not 100% and also that even if you have rivers, it'll take a while before they get over size 6 (and whether you actually want them to get over size 6 at the very beginning.)
    You can play with a hybrid system; it's basically a 3-tile/4-tile/camp system.
    The premise is this: on standard maps, Ralphing is not clearly superior to 3-tile. 3-tile on the other hand does not separate core cities from military cities. However, a camp system with 3-tile is impossible.

    Thus, the solution was to make the first "ring" of cities around the capital with 4-tile spacing (notation note: 4-tile equals 3 spaces between cities). That allows 2 camp cities (perhaps even 3 if you're lucky) in the inner ring especially if you plan on using your capital as a settler-pump (what I usually do). However, after the inner ring is done, all other cities are pure 3-tile. Why? Defensive purposes. No other city placement offers the defensive benefits that 3-tile does (well 2-tile...) and in MP, you will need defense.
    Last edited by Mountain Sage; March 1, 2004, 07:36.
    The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps

  • #2
    (Military) units:

    MGL – Military Great Leader
    SGL – Scientific Great Leader
    SoD - Stack of Doom

    UU - Unique Unit
    AW – Ansar Warrior (Arab UU)
    CS - Chasqui Scout (Incan UU)
    EW – Enkidu Warrior (Sumeria UU)
    GS – Gallic Swordsman (Celts UU)
    JT - Javelin Thrower (Mayan UU)
    JW - Jaguar Warrior (Aztec UU)
    MoW - Man o' War (English UU)
    MW - Mounted Warrior (Iroquois UU)
    NM – Numidian Mercenary (Carthaginian UU)
    SM – Swiss Mercenary (Dutch UU)
    3MC – Three men Chariot (Hittites UU)
    WC - War Chariot (Egyptian UU)
    WE - War Elephant (Indian UU)

    AC – Ancient Cavalry (created by the SZ)
    FC – Flak Cannon
    MA - Modern Armor
    MI - Mechanic Infantry
    MP – Modern Paratrooper
    MS – Mobile SAM
    MT – Motorized Transportation


    AW: Amphibious Warfare
    HR – Horseback Riding
    IW – Iron Working
    MM - Map Making
    MiT - Military Tradition
    MuT - Music Theory
    PP – Printing Press
    RP – Replaceable Parts
    SP – Steam Power
    WC - Warrior Code


    GW – Great Wonder. ‘A dramatic, awe-inspiring accomplishment’
    ASTC – Adam Smith’s Trading Company
    CO – Copernicus’ Observatory
    Colossus – The Colossus
    CfC – Cure for Cancer
    HG – Hanging Gardens
    HD - Hoover Dam
    JBC – JS Bach’s Grand Cathedral
    GLib – Great Library
    GLig – Great Lighthouse
    GW – Great Wall
    Internet – the Internet
    KT – Knights Templar
    LW – Leonardo’s Workshop
    LV – Longevity
    MM – The Mausoleum of Mausollos
    MP – Manhattan Project
    MV – Magellan’s Great Voyage
    NU: Newton’s Great University
    Oracle – The Oracle
    Pyramids – The Pyramids
    SC – Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel
    SETI – Seti Program
    ST – Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre
    SZ – The Statue of Zeus
    STAW - Sun Tsu’s Art of War
    TA – The Temple of Artemis
    ToE - Theory of Evolution
    UN – The United Nations
    US – Universal Suffrage

    SW – Small Wonder
    AP – Apollo Program
    BM – Battlefield Medicine
    FP – Forbidden Palace
    HE – Heroic Epic
    IA – Intelligence Agency
    IW – Iron Works
    MA – Military Academy
    SMD – Strategic Missile Defense
    SPHQ – Secret Police Head Quarters
    Pentagon – The Pentagon
    WS – The Wall Street

    Terrain and resources:

    Goody Huts – Barbarian settlements in early stages that may contain techs, gold or units (or mean warriors).
    IFE – Infinite Forest Exploitation. Lumberjack a square of forest to get the ten shields for the nearby city. Replant. Repeat. Not permitted post-patch (for the records).
    LJ – Lumberjacking forests for the 10-shield bonus.

    ‘To make a long sentence short’ (TMALSS):

    AFAIK - As far as I know
    BTW - By The Way
    IDGAGAFIYF - Stands for "I Don't Give A **** If You Flip." The acronym coined by Jawa Jocky refers to the tactic of taking an AI city that has good chance to culture flip back to the AI and stacking a large number of units outside of the city so that you can take it back in one turn when it's easiest to retake if the city
    IIRC - If I ReCall (or If I Remember Correctly)
    IMHO - In My Humble Opinion (IMO just loses the humility)
    FYI = For Your information
    LOL - Laugh Out Loud
    NTTAWWT - Not That There's Anything Wrong With That
    OTOH - On the Other Hand
    RO(T)FLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A*s Off
    YABP - Yet Another Buggy Patch
    YWNTPTGTFO - you will need to play the game to find out
    Last edited by Mountain Sage; March 1, 2004, 07:38.
    The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


    • #3
      Re: Glossary and abbreviations in Civ3 (incl. C3C)

      Originally posted by Mountain Sage
      Worker Factory (Size 6 Strategy) - city with fresh water access and a granary, uses the doubling of the food box at size 6 to 7 to build a worker every turn.
      I may be wrong but I don´t think you can do this anymore
      You saw what you wanted
      You took what you saw
      We know how you did it
      Your method equals wipe out


      • #4
        You are correct, the info will be updated.
        The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


        • #5
          ok nice...

          good job BTW (forgot to mention that in the previous post )
          You saw what you wanted
          You took what you saw
          We know how you did it
          Your method equals wipe out


          • #6
            The "five city challenge" is commonly abbreviated as '5CC', not 'FCC' (I've never seen the second one).

            And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


            • #7
              Re: Glossary and abbreviations in Civ3 (incl. C3C)

              Nice job!

              Originally posted by Mountain Sage
              Rush builds of culture items held back the AI's attempts to Borg your society.
              Refresh my memory: to Borg?
              The monkeys are listening.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dominae
                The "five city challenge" is commonly abbreviated as '5CC', not 'FCC' (I've never seen the second one).
                Updated, thanks.
                The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


                • #9
                  WLTKD - We Love The King Day. Also WLT*D where * is a variable for whatever your culture's Title of preference. Happens when ALL citizens of the city are happy. You get production bonuses from the citizens while it lasts

                  Err, no. WLTKD happens when the MAJORITY of citizens in the city are happy (specialists are counted as content) and there are no unhappy citizens. It doesn't provide a production bonus; it just decreases corruption and lowers the chance of cultural conversion (and propaganda).


                  • #10
                    IIRC it it only lowers waste not overall corruption
                    You saw what you wanted
                    You took what you saw
                    We know how you did it
                    Your method equals wipe out


                    • #11
                      Updated, thanks. If it lowers corruption, you have less wasted shileds, gold etc...
                      The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


                      • #12
                        Just less wasted shields, AFAIK. No effect on commerce corruption.

                        Also, hitting AI settler teams is usually called "settler bopping." Never seen your term.

                        Awesome list, though.

                        -Arrian (who isn't "famed" but I'll take that as a compliment, MS)
                        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                        • #13
                          since there are two opinions on the subject I went out to solve it. This is a quote from Alexman´s corruption thread

                          In addition, you can reduce waste by bringing your cities into a WLTKD celebration.
                          conclusion: WLTKD only lowers waste and not overall corruption in the city.
                          You saw what you wanted
                          You took what you saw
                          We know how you did it
                          Your method equals wipe out


                          • #14
                            Re: Re: Glossary and abbreviations in Civ3 (incl. C3C)

                            AFAIK, "to Borg" is to place a city near or on the enemy border to take territory away from him.

                            Originally posted by Dr. A. Cula
                            Nice job!

                            Refresh my memory: to Borg?
                            1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                            Templar Science Minister
                            AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                            • #15
                              Looks like "pop-bomb" is missing from the list:

                              To build, especally via rushing, lots of city improvements along the border just for it's cultural value, particlarly with multiple cities against the same target city.

                              Also looks like "yo-yoing the AI" is missing from the list as well:

                              To take advantage of the AI knowing exactly which cities are currently undefended by purposly leaving a city near the border undefended (see bating the AI below) while keeping the cities closer to the front defended with stacks with the intention of when the AI approarches the undefended city, moving units such that a different city is undefended that the AI will then head out to.

                              And the related "baiting the AI":

                              Leaving a city undefended hoping the AI will come that way. What makes this distinct from "yo-yoing" is that for baiting you may also intend to either make peace with the AI before it reaches the target or else totally pick off that enemy stack with mobile units while it's still in route.
                              1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                              Templar Science Minister
                              AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.

