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LEADERHEAD: George Washington

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  • #16
    Your kidding right? US Grant is considered one of the worst Presidents in the history of the US. He is ALWAYS one of the three worst, usually THE worst.


    • #17
      I'm reliably informed - by my friend from Texas - that the animosity between North and South remains alive to this day. I'm also informed that the South is due to rise again, although precise details of the timetable and indeed events are hard to come by. There's also something about the Texan empire being reborn from the ashes, but I'm not sure exactly what that's all about.


      • #18
        Originally posted by GhengisFarb
        Your kidding right? US Grant is considered one of the worst Presidents in the history of the US. He is ALWAYS one of the three worst, usually THE worst.
        Give me some reference material to back that up.

        Are you talking about popular opinion or scholarly opinion? Here's a recent popular opinion poll by ABC News.

        Who's the greatest president?

        This year Last year
        Lincoln 20% 14% (third)
        Kennedy 14 16 (second)
        G. W. Bush 13 0
        Clinton 8 9 (fourth)
        Reagan 8 18 (first)
        FDR 8 6 (fifth)


        ahem. nuff said.

        Um, I cant find anything to back up what I said either.

        But I did see a PBS show on Grant where they said the same thing I'm trying to say. And I found this info on a website that has done some research trying to determine greatest president and ranked Grant 5th:

        What Washington, Eisenhower and Grant have in common.

        Does this list make sense? Is Grant really one of our greatest Presidents, when his administration was ridden with scandal?

        Yes. Washington, Eisenhower and Grant all have three things in common. They were the commanding Generals in the three indisputably "good" wars the United States ever fought: the War for Independence, the Civil War, and World War II.

        Then, they presided over two peacetime economic boom terms.

        Also, according to Geoffrey Perret's biography of Ulysses S. Grant, Grant virtually invented the modern army organization.


        • #19
          wow, those look really really good


          • #20
            Quotes (mostly from stuff on the internet though, I just searched for "President Grant worst" and took some excerpts

            Although often ranked as one of the worst presidents, some important steps were taken during his presidency. The 14th and 15th Amendment was ratified. The Justice Department wa created. Grant took efforts to continue protecting black rights, including the use of Federal troops. He promoted an important Civil Rights Act. It was only after his Administration that the newly won civil rights of Blacks were esentially lost. Some modern historians bnow suggest that Grant championed priciples that we now see as self evident at a time that they were under threat.
            -Some website with US Grant biography.

            Grant is normally viewed as one of the two or three worst Presidents...
            - quote from President Clinton

            Note that the custodians of his own tomb, the people responsible for keeping it up and running and telling people of his life list this in their official pamplet:
            Out of 41 Presidents, historians ranked Grant 33rd, included in this catagory were Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and James Garfield whose presidency only lasted 6 months, most of which time he spent attempting to recover from an assassin's bullet.
            I'm not trying to make fun of you, its just that whole Grant as a great President hit me from left field.

            The funny thing was the more I looked at the info from the Grant's Tomb people, its just all stuff trying to defend the fact that "he isn't the worst President there ever was." It was actually kinda funny.

            If I was to choose "great" or even "popular" Presidents and I wanted to find some one with some historical "umph" I would go with Theodore Roosevelt, he really was a great President and BOTH parties believe that. He is also the President that gave the US its vision and set it on its rendevous with destiny so to speak.
            Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; February 10, 2004, 13:29.


            • #21
              Looks good. Are you planning to make some more leaderheads the same way? For example Washington's opponent Georg III.?
              Arne · Das Civilization Forum


              • #22
                Greatest President: Thomas Jefferson
                Worst President: George W. Bush

                Those are in my opinion..

                Theodore Roosevelt, F. D. Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy, and (can't think of his first name at the moment) Jackson leaderheads are needed.


                • #23
                  Worst Equal: George W Bush & Hillary Clinton
                  Best Equal: George Washington & John Adams


                  • #24
                    Looks good to me.

                    How about Thatcher? That would be a challenge.
                    Only feebs vote.


                    • #25
                      I'd like to see an FDR leaderhead.
                      Now just don't go forming any angry mobs now, you hear?


                      • #26
                        Personally, I like Grant.... As for leaderheads, FDR, Truman, and Wilson would be the most interesting...


                        • #27
                          Wow excellent! Already looks very good. Which programme do you use to create these?
                          Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

                          The new iPod nano: nano


                          • #28
                            After a long period of absence (I moved and had no Internet connection for quite a while) I seem to be finally back. Let's see if I can manage to complete this project...


                            • #29
                              Please finish this one. Its quite good!

