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PTW generated SGL

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  • PTW generated SGL

    I'm playing a PTW PBEM game with my brother and we switched to C3C to take our turns. Imagine my surprise when I found I generated a SGL. Makes me wonder if there will be any other surprises down the road.

    Is it known if the civ traits remain the same in PTW or switch to C3C traits if you take turns with C3C?

  • #2
    Not sure, but about 8 civs had their traits changed by C3C, so who knows how it will behave.


    • #3


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        • #5
          Re: PTW generated SGL

          Originally posted by SirOsis
          I'm playing a PTW PBEM game with my brother and we switched to C3C to take our turns. Imagine my surprise when I found I generated a SGL. Makes me wonder if there will be any other surprises down the road.

          Is it known if the civ traits remain the same in PTW or switch to C3C traits if you take turns with C3C?
          I am not surprised that you generated an SGL when you switched to Conquests. If you load a savegame from PtW or vanilla Civ3 in C3C you will see the change in corruption for the different versions for example, so it is clear that the new rules go into effect.

          You would be the best person to tell us that last bit about civ traits What civ are you playing? If it is a civ that has had its traits changed (eg Vikings, Iroquois), then you should be able to see if they are starting to get the different effects. My feeling is that the change of rules is TOTAL, so you would see the changes. Also you may notice the new Wonders appear in the build queues, even if they are long obsoleted.

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #6
            I would suspect that Civ trait assignments aren't changing soince rules are embedded in save files.
            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


            • #7
              I am playing the Mongols and I don't think their traits changed to C3C. My brother is playing Carthage and I did notice he did not have an additional move on his ships. So the traits are likely not changed.

              It will be interesting to see if the MGL can rush wonders or not. I don't have one yet but maybe in a few turns...


              • #8
                Originally posted by SirOsis
                It will be interesting to see if the MGL can rush wonders or not. I don't have one yet but maybe in a few turns...
                I demand your supply of furs and incense as well as the secret of music theory, or else I will inform your brother of your nefarious plot to eliminate him!


                • #9
                  That plan is in full effect in the Mesoamerican game we are playing. As the Aztecs I am warmongering my way. Unfortunately I bribed the Toltecs to attack him which they agreed to but the next turn the Toltecs were attacking me. Guess he bribed them a little more.

                  The other game we are cooperating. He had a real bad start in jungle and I could have taken him out early but there would be no fun in that. We eliminated France early and he just finished off Spain. I'm dealing with the Babylonians on one side of my empire and the Aztecs on the other.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gramphos
                    I would suspect that Civ trait assignments aren't changing soince rules are embedded in save files.
                    That's a good point. Nothing in the .bi* would be changed, only stuff in the code.

